How many Fruits and Vegetables Should You be Eating Daily?

It’s more than you think and easier to do with these quick tips

Tru Valu Supermarkets
Tru Wellness
4 min readJul 20, 2022


Trinidad and Tobago boasts of a wide selection of fruits and vegetables that are bursting with flavours and nutrients. Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. They are packed with vitamins and minerals and are a great source of dietary fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy gut. A diet high in fruits and vegetables can also help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer (1).

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruits and vegetables a day to lower your risk of health problems (2). While 400g of fruits and vegetables may sound intimidating, it can be easier than you think. One portion of fruit and vegetables is equal to 80g, which means we need 5 portions of fruit and vegetables in a day to hit our quota. This is commonly known in the UK as getting your 5 A Day.

What counts as part of your 5 A Day?

80g of fresh, canned, or frozen fruits and vegetables counts as 1 portion

Fruits and vegetables don’t have to be fresh to count as a portion nor do they have to be eaten on their own. If using canned fruits, buy ones that are canned in natural juice or water — not syrup. For canned vegetables, look for the cans with no sodium or low sodium labels.

30g of dried fruit

This includes raisins, currants, dates, figs, and mango. That’s around 2 pieces of dried figs or dates and 1 tablespoon of raisins or currants.

150ml of fruit juice, vegetable juice, or a smoothie

This portion only counts once a day due to the high amount of natural sugars that are released from the fruits and vegetables when crushed. Too much juice can increase your risk of tooth decay.

Fruits and vegetables cooked in soups or other dishes

Some common dishes which are high in fruits/ vegetables include callaloo, stewed lentils, dhal, fish broth, and chow (mango, pomerac, pommecythere, etc).

80g of beans and pulses

These only count once as your 5 A Day because while they are a great source of fiber, they contain fewer nutrients than other fruits and vegetables

Do ground provisions count towards my vegetable intake?

While ground provisions do contain minerals and other nutrients, they are classified as a starchy food as they also provide alot of energy. When eaten as part of a meal, ground provision are typically eaten in place of other sources of starch, such as bread, pasta, or rice. Because of this, they do not count as one of your 5 A Day.

Easy Tips to increase your Fruit and Vegetable Intake

● A smoothie is a great way to pack in as much fruits and vegetables as possible.

Try adding cucumber, frozen spinach, pineapple, and coconut water to your blender for a burst of antioxidants.

● Add a piece of fruit to your breakfast

This could be a slice of paw paw alongside your meal or adding your fruits into your cereal. For example, adding sliced bananas or a tablespoon of raisins to your porridge.

● Put vegetables in your sandwich.

Add cucumber, avocado, sliced tomatoes, and/or lettuce to your sandwiches to increase the amount of fibre and nutrients.

● Have a fruit or vegetable salad with your lunch or dinner.

Light meals in the night can help count towards your intake for the day and are easier to digest overall!

All of the content presented by Tru Valu Supermarkets on our Medium channel, including written text, photographs, videos, and graphics, as well as other resources we might include is meant to educate and it should not be perceived as a substitution for professional medical advice, as well as diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your doctor or nutrition advisor before making major lifestyle and diet changes.

Tru Valu Supermarkets is one of Trinidad and Tobago’s leading supermarket brands. As a responsible supermarket chain we believe in educating and informing our customers to make responsible decisions each day to improve their wellness and wellbeing.

Tru Valu Health and Wellness Program, Article 47

Information supplied by Kirstyn Church, Associate Nutritionist, Nutrition Consulting Services. TruWellness managed by Huckleberry Media Co.



Tru Valu Supermarkets
Tru Wellness

We're a home-grown supermarket chain based in Trinidad and Tobago. We're sharing ways to live your best life through our love - food and nutrition!