Higher Ed. Pro-Tip: Identify and Master the Learning Objectives

Turn your syllabus into a study guide.

Christina Morgan
2 min readJun 30, 2021


Photo by Dom Fou on Unsplash

Higher Ed Pro Tip- Always check your syllabus for your learning objectives and let them guide you through the semester.

If your syllabus doesn’t include the objectives, ask if they will be provided at the start of every lesson. If not, ask your instructor what they want you to learn at the beginning of every class. Pay attention to their summary, and if you’re missing something at the end, ask them for clarification or make time to meet them outside of class.

Anytime you head into an exam without mastering the stated learning objectives, you’re probably in trouble.

Sometimes professors provide study guides or even a list of the exact questions you’ll be expected to answer at the beginning of each unit. If they don’t offer them up front, there’s no harm in asking. You can even ask “What kind of questions should we be prepared to answer?” if you’re not entirely clear on their expectations.

If it’s provided, don’t wait to use the list or guide until the last minute. Make sure you can answer every question by the class prior to the exam. If you don’t know the answer to one of them, ask the instructor directly. Even if they don’t give you a straight answer, they’ll usually point you in the right direction. That’s a lot better than just finding it yourself.

The syllabus is your friend, and not something to be ignored. Master the learning objectives to master the class.



Christina Morgan

I’m learning to embrace the imperfect. Trying to build a career and raise a family is an adventure every day.