Back to the Kitchen with Freddie Prinze Jr.

True Celebrity
True Celebrity
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2016

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. are not only one of the cutest couples but they also have the most adorable family — which consists of 6-year-old Charlotte Grace and 3-year-old Rocky James. Father’s Day, on Instagram, was no exception. Sarah posted this photo with the super sweet caption:

Photo Credit: Instagram

Happy #fathersday to @realfreddieprinze and to all the #dads (stepdads, uncles, surrogate dads included) who are an integral part in raising these amazing little people (who eventually turn into amazing adults) The greatest part of every day is watching life through my children’s eyes, so today (and every day) Freddie I thank you.

On top of being a terrific father, he is a skilled home cook who prepares delicious meals for his family every night. Prinze recently released a family-focused cookbook with personal family photos from Freddie and Sarah’s beautiful LA home and Freddie’s hilarious stories about the life of an actor, husband, and father in Hollywood. Back to the Kitchen is a must-have collection of Freddie’s mainstays, the recipes that he makes on even the busiest weeknights, as well as more luxurious date night meals.

On national Men Make Dinner day, Sarah Michelle Gellar shared her hopes for the future and appreciation for her husband setting the example for their children.

“We make sure that both our son and daughter see their father cooking, so they grow up knowing that the kitchen knows no gender. And maybe by the time my is old enough there won’t be a need for this day anymore because one more stereotype will have been shattered.”

