Naked in Thought

Not knowing how to be a man — A response to Elle Beau ❇︎ prompt Writing Prompt For Men: What Does The World Tell You About Who You Should Be?

Pablo Pereyra
True Confessional
Published in
5 min readMar 14, 2020


Photo by Jason Schjerven on Unsplash

No one asks themselves the great question: Who am I?
— Facundo Cabral

Does anyone know how to be a man, without even knowing who he is?

I could easily tackle the subject by pretending I did not hear the question properly and conjecture on who I am as a person and not as a male.

To answer who I am as a male implies answering how do I see women. The problem is that the answer could not be what I want to hear.

Women as objects

I grew up in Argentina, a South American Catholic country. I was born in 1976 into a military dictatorship. The military government kidnapped the enemies of the State, and they took them to concentration camps where they were interrogated, tortured, and disappeared, probably in that order.

The enemies of the State were left-wing college students. While in prison, the military would rape the women, they would later take their offspring, and gave it in adoption to military families that could not have babies.



Pablo Pereyra
True Confessional

Finding inspiration in movement. Searching for identity.