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Sex Hacks That Really Work If You Two Are Just Sick To Fucking Death Of Each Other
Christine gives away her three most secret secrets.
This could be you and your husband. Well, more or less. Adobe images.
Warning, these should only be used if you’ve really got to the point of room-temperature fucking. If your bedroom feels more air-conditioned than steamy sauna’d, then these tips are for you. But if you can still actually get a rise out of each other, albeit a minimal one, hold off on employing these extreme solutions until you just can’t take it any more, capeesh?
Sign Up For Cooking Class Separately
If you’re married, she should use her maiden name while signing up.
Then, two things can happen at the cooking class. The first one is better than the second.
- You pretend to meet each other at the cooking class. And role-play a whole meet-cute in front of the other students. Warning, make sure nobody knows you guys as a couple. As you’re role-playing, “Angela, you mean to tell me you’ve never chopped an onion before?” it sucks if someone calls out, “Yeah, Ray, you should know, you’ve been married to her for twenty years. Who you think you’re fooling here?”
- You both meet really hot…