
The Greatest Sex Tip

It will change your sex life forever

Christine's Adventures
True Confessional
Published in
7 min readJul 29, 2024


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I remember once when I was in my early 20s I finished having sex with this guy and before I even had time to catch my breath I heard him dialing his phone. He was calling a taxi.

“Wow,” I thought. “He sure seems like he’s in a hurry to get the heck away from me. What did I do wrong? Am I bad at sex?”

After he left I grabbed my Cosmo magazine and looked through the latest sex advice and sex tips to see what I might have done wrong.

Looking back, it fascinates me that this supposedly forward-thinking gal’s rag would propagate this absurd idea that women need sex tips to begin with.

For instance, I remember my favorite one from about fifteen years ago. It was called the “hot dog.” Try this on your fella, ladies. As you’re sucking him, wrap both your hands all the way around his shaft and then literally blow hot air down in between your hands.

That will really give him a blast of heat, they promised.

“Wow, honey, I was gonna break up with you last night, but after you gave me the hot dog, I think I’ma stick around a few more weeks.”

Are we that desperate to please the fellas with tricks and novelties, ladies? Why do women need sex…

