Finally Solved, 2004 Fish Head Beach Murders

Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction
9 min readSep 9, 2019


Fish Head Beach Murders happened on August 15, 2004. A young couple was killed while camping on the beach.

Photo by Davide Sibilio on Unsplash

The recently engaged couple Lindsay Cutshall 22, and Jason Allen 26. Had spent the summer doing all the things they enjoyed. Including rafting, rock climbing and sharing their passion for Christian ministry. While they worked as camp counselors, for a Christian based summer camp.

After working all summer they decided to take some time and explore the California coast. On August 14, 2004, they left camp after telling their friends they would be back soon.

On Saturday they ended up in San Francisco. They spent some time hanging out on the Fisherman’s Wharf. They bought Tabasco sauce at Pier 47. They were spotted at the California Gourmet Market. Pictures on their camera showed, they visited the Golden Gate Bridge and the Alcatraz Prison.

Late Saturday there was another charge on their credit card. For gasoline on Highway 116 in Guerneville. As they continued their trip northwest towards the coastal town of Jenner.

Along the way, they probably spoke about their upcoming Autumn wedding. Lindsay from Ohio, and Jason from Michigan. Had met in West Virginia, at the Appalachian Bible College.



Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction

True Crime Writer in Las Vegas. I used to be a Web Developer in the Newsroom, now I spend my time in coffee shops researching murder.