Killer Confessed Film by Rob Zombie Made Him Kill — True Crime

Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction
6 min readOct 14, 2019


Jake Evans confessed to killing his mother and sister when he was 17. He says Rob Zombie’s movie Halloween inspired him.

Photo by Jorge Zapata on Unsplash

In a four-page confession, Jake Evans talked about how he killed Jamie Evans 48, his mother, and his sister Mallory 15, inside their home on October 3, 2012, in the affluent neighborhood of Aledo, Texas. Just hours after the murders, he talked to authorities about the movie, and how he had watched it three times leading up to the slayings.

***Included are parts from Jake Evans written confession that he signed hours after killing his mother and sister.

Leading Up to Murder

“After I watched the movie I put it back in the case and threw it in the trashcan so that people wouldn’t think that it influenced me in any way.” Throwing the movie away would be the only measure Jake took to hide what he had done.

“While watching it, I was amazed at how at ease the boy was during the murders and how little remorse he had afterword [sic]. I was thinking to myself it would be the same for me when I kill someone.”

Jake didn’t just plan to kill his mother and one sister, he also had fantasized about killing his grandparents, and his other sisters. Jake thought about this right before he started…



Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction

True Crime Writer in Las Vegas. I used to be a Web Developer in the Newsroom, now I spend my time in coffee shops researching murder.