Mexico City’s Old Lady Killer was Prolific — True Crime

Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction
4 min readNov 12, 2019


“You’ll know why I did it when you read my statement to police.” The truth is, no one really understands what makes a person do this sort of thing.

Photo by Larry Costales on Unsplash

The Last Possible Suspect

This serial killer preyed on older women who lived alone, and the Mexican authorities denied they had a serial killer on their hands, these two things created a perfect hunting ground for Juana Barraza.

Juana was a female wrestler who went by the name The Silent Lady. She fought in lucha libra matches; it’s a form of Mexican masked professional wrestling. So she had the physical strength to attack younger victims, but still, she chose to kill older frail victims.

She started killing in 1998, using a simple ruse, she would find an older lady and offer to help her out. Juana would tell them that she would help them with cooking or cleaning, but as soon as she was inside, she kills.

Her MO was strangulation, followed by taking souvenirs from the house. She would also sexually assault some of the victims.

For years elderly women were being strangled in their homes with no sign of forced entry. The closest police got to trying to solve the cases was when they would pull in a relative and try to force a confession for a crime they hadn’t…



Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction

True Crime Writer in Las Vegas. I used to be a Web Developer in the Newsroom, now I spend my time in coffee shops researching murder.