Murder and Incest in West Virginia | True Crime Addiction

Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction
7 min readOct 7, 2020


This case looks at a convicted sex offender who helps kill his daughter’s boyfriend, then marries her.

Larry McClure (left), Anna Choudhary (top-right), and Amanda McClure (bottom-right) | via Boston 25 News

One Crime Leads to Discovery of Another

West Virginia State Police were questioning Larry McClure over his failure to register as a sex offender when he let a few cats out of the bag.

He admitted that he and his biological daughter Amanda Naylor McClure were involved in an incestuous relationship and married.

If that wasn’t enough, he then told the authorities that he knew where the body of John McGuire was buried. He knew this because he and two of his daughters were involved in killing the man.

Victim John McGuire | via Twitter

The Lead Up to Murder

Around the beginning of February 2019, Larry McClure recently paroled after 17.5 years from a sexual assault conviction, drove to Indiana with his daughter Anna Choudhary. The two were planning to pick up Amanda Naylor and her boyfriend, John McGuire.

***Larry McClure was convicted of first-degree sexual assault of a family member between the ages of 6 and 12 on July 22…



Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction

True Crime Writer in Las Vegas. I used to be a Web Developer in the Newsroom, now I spend my time in coffee shops researching murder.