The Fast Food Serial Killer — True Crime

Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction
4 min readNov 20, 2019


Some serial killers take their time building up their nerve to kill. This one came out with a gun blasting, leaving bodies in his wake.

Photo by Sepet on Unsplash

Paul Dennis Reid, Jr grew up in Texas, and it’s where he committed his first armed robbery. In 1983 at the age of 26, he held up a Houston steakhouse.

Unfortunately, he didn’t do a very good job and was caught and sentenced to 20 years in prison. He only served seven.

After being released, Reid decided to pursue another ambition of his singing. He moved to Nashville, Tennessee, and tried his luck at being a country music singer.

But, old habits die hard, and he was back to robbing restaurants again.

Captain D’s

On February 16, 1997, Reid arrived early before the store was set to open. He told them he wanted to apply for a job, so the manager let him into the restaurant.

As soon as he was inside, he started threatening the manager, 25-year-old Steve Hampton, and 16-year-old Sarah Jackson. He forced them into the cooler and made them lie face down on the floor. Reid shot them both execution-style.

With the cash, he stole Reid would make a down payment on a new car.




Lisa Marie Fuqua
True Crime Addiction

True Crime Writer in Las Vegas. I used to be a Web Developer in the Newsroom, now I spend my time in coffee shops researching murder.