Teen Missing For A Decade May Have Been Seen This Year

Cat Leigh
True Crime by Cat Leigh
4 min readSep 9, 2021


Jackson Miller was thought to have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge in 2010, but CCTV footage did not record any suicides.

Photo by Joël Vogt on Unsplash

Jackson Alexander Miller was a 19-year-old living in Cupertino, California, with his family. He was a student at DeAnza College.

His parents, Gina Funaro and Paul Miller, described their son as a “very intelligent” and “strong-willed” man who excelled at sports, namely swimming.

Jackson suffered from OCD, depression, and anxiety but no longer wanted to take his prescription medication. As a result, he was getting little sleep and his behavior was increasingly paranoid and erratic.

Jackson / Facebook: Help Find Jackson Miller

On May 15, 2010, Jackson left home for a 12-step meeting. He never returned.

Two days later, his silver 2004 Honda Pilot was found in a parking lot by the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Jackson had left it there at 4:10 PM on the day he went missing. His phone, wallet, and iPod were in the car.

Since opening in 1937, over 1,700 people have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. It is the second most frequently used location to die by suicide, after the…

