Introducing True Crime Detective

Michael East
True Crime Detective
2 min readSep 11, 2022


Welcome to True Crime Detective, a website dedicated to providing an in-depth and comprehensive look at true crime from around the world. We are a new Medium publication, but we hope to grow quickly and become one of the most prominent and most respected sources for true crime information on the platform.

True Crime Detective covers some of the world’s most baffling murders. From deep dives into grisly serial killers to unsolved mysteries, True Crime Detective is the place. At True Crime Detective, we aim to be both informative and engaging, providing readers with an insight into some of the most fascinating cases out there.

We firmly believe that true crime should be looked at from a historical, sociological, and psychological perspective in order to get a greater understanding of why these crimes were committed. We don’t seek to be sensationalistic but rather provide a serious and thoughtful look at the world of true crime.

If you’re as passionate about true crime as we are, then we’d love for you to join our publication. We’re always looking for new writers to help us further grow and develop True Crime Detective. So if you’re interested, please read our guidelines and don’t hesitate to get in touch.

And if you don’t fancy writing, then still be sure to keep an eye on our website, as we’ll be regularly publishing new and exciting content for you to enjoy.

If you’re looking for a publication that will keep you up at night, True Crime Detective is the perfect choice!

We hope you enjoy True Crime Detective, and thanks for reading!



Michael East
True Crime Detective

Freelance writer. Writing on true crime, mysteries, politics, history, popular culture, and more. |