10 Incredible Stories of People Who Survived Being Buried Alive

Eve S Evans
True Crime Hub
Published in
8 min readJul 22, 2023


Buried alive? Sounds like a nightmare, right? But for these 10 people, it was a reality. And yet, they managed to survive and tell the tale. In this article, we’ll take a look at the miraculous stories of 10 people who were buried alive but lived to tell the tale.

10. Angelo Hays

Angelo Hays was a French steeplejack who survived a miraculous incident of being buried alive for two days. According to reports, Hays fell from the roof of the Saint-Martin church in the town of St. Quentin, France, while working on it in 1937. The fall was so severe that he was presumed dead by the people present at the site. Hays’ body was placed in a coffin, and he was buried soon after.

However, two days later, gravediggers reportedly heard banging and muffled screams coming from the grave. They quickly notified the authorities, who arrived at the scene and found Hays alive and struggling to free himself from the coffin. Despite suffering from shock, Hays survived unscathed.

The incident gained widespread attention and was covered by several newspapers at the time, including the New York Times, which reported on the incident in its August 21, 1937, edition. The article provides a detailed account of the incident, including the fact that Hays had no memory of how he ended up in the…



Eve S Evans
True Crime Hub

Content writer transfixed by anything paranormal and unexplained. Focuses on Ghosts, Paranormal and True Crime. Published author & podcaster.