Mobile technology and the new workplace

Mobile Enterprise Collaboration
3 min readJul 13, 2017

Enterprise Mobility and Digital Transformation are the frequently heard terms within executive meetings and boardrooms today. There are so many definitions to these terms but definitions set aside we can all agree it’s happening faster than ever. Mobile technology paves way for a more agile, dynamic, efficient and productive enterprise. While technology plays a key role in this transformation it is becoming clear the workplace and the workforce are at the center of it as well. The modern workplace and workforce are moving away and untethering from desks, word documents, spreadsheets, powerpoint, legacy systems and even email. A recent case of Unilever using mobile technology for recruiting is yet another example of why these terms matter more today.

A 2016 Pew study found that:

81% of Americans felt they were able to use the Internet and other communications devices to keep up with the demands of their lives.

78% of employees who work outside an office said the internet and cellphones were important for getting their jobs done.

From a managerial perspective, time no longer serves as the principal indicator of productivity. Instead, task accomplishment becomes the critical — and far superior — measure. For workers, increased flexibility allows them to exercise control and work how, where and when it is most e icient. Many want to retain the option to work in-o ice rather than being entirely remote, for example. Rather than increasing apprehension, mobile access can decrease anxiety, providing employees are empowered to determine their schedules. Not all employees want to be mobile workers — flexibility means providing both in-o ice and remote options. That flexibility can be delivered by technology.


For the very same reasons we built CORPA — a mobile enterprise suite to build, integrate, automate and run your processes, workflows, reports, dashboards, tasks and comms anywhere anytime. Since one size does not fit all we made our technology flexible and dynamic so you could be the architect and build a platform that fits your culture and solves your problems without need for any coding skills but creativity. When choosing which new technologies to adopt, companies should consider what problems they will actually solve—and communicate that clearly with employees. Match employee requirements with specific tools. Measure usage to see if the tools actually accomplish what was intended.

A recent Accenture research sees major changes in how companies will adopt technologies in the future and in how people will be managed. Some of the highlights are:

The rise of the liquid workforce: Workplaces of the future will not necessarily give rise to new permanent positions, but rather to increased reliance on more temporary, flexible and outsourced services.

Rethinking technology for the third space: In the future, the most appealing third spaces will capitalize on new technologies — Cafés and airport terminals

The demise of the office and the increased prevalence of co-working: These spaces not only address the changing needs of mobile workers but also allow opportunities for cross-company collaboration.

Goodbye, email: As methods of communication change, email will eventually become a tool of the past.

We, Robot: The future of workplace technologies is increasingly digitally present, with more social cues available through robotics.

Enterprises today have the chance to set their own course on the use of new digital technologies and on adapting their culture to these new ways of working. They must choose wisely to allow innovation and creativity to flourish in their enterprise.

If you would like to get at it right away, you can start here.

Good luck!



Mobile Enterprise Collaboration

Your mobile workplace. Collaborate, communicate and get work done in one app. Creative teams use Corpa to redefine work and workplace.