3 Unexpected Signs Your Manifestation is On The Way

Angelo Michael
True Evolution
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Do you ever have that strong gut feeling that you know something major is about to happen? that something significant in your life is about to occur? that is our supernatural power called our intuition! In Numerology, I am beyond blessed & grateful to have my Life Path Number as Master Number 11. Individuals with this Number in their 5 core numbers are known as the “Master Intuitive.”

Photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

I am not a Master Intuitive yet, and the Number 11 in my Life Path sure has its challenges, which I will share another day when I publish my story. Today, I want to share 3 signs that your manifestation is on the way. By going deep into training my subconscious and manifestation, I have learned a few things. And when my intuition was screaming at me, I knew it was a sign that my desires would become my reality. And they did. Only small desires, nothing major, but they still mattered to me. Because I believed. The more you believe, the more you will receive.

Your intuition is like a Bluetooth wire from the physical world to the spiritual realm. When you listen to it and begin to trust it, the universe blesses you even more. So, what are 3 signs that your dreams or desires, no matter how big or small, are about to become your reality?

  1. OLD EMOTIONS COME UP: A lot of the time it’s the exact emotional state that has been blocking your desires strongly, ONE LAST TIME.
  2. THINGS THAT DON’T BELONG IN YOUR LIFE BECOME HEAVY: This can feel like everything is going wrong in your life, things that usually work aren’t working and also become draining. This is a good sign, just let go and make room for what you want.
  3. SMALL MIRACLES IN DAILY LIFE — SYNCHRONICITY: The universe will send you little “confirmations” to remind you to relax and trust the process. Your manifestation can happen at any moment!

Did you resonate with any of those small signs?

Love & Light,

-Angelo Michael



Angelo Michael
True Evolution

I guide seekers on a journey of self-discovery, guidance to evolve into their highest selves.