Embrace the Call to Explore: Unveiling Your Personal Spiritual Path

Dahlia DeWinters
True Heart Vibes
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2024
Image courtesy of CreateHerStock

Even before her death in 2023, I’ve always known that Tina Turner was a Buddist, and it was a spiritual practice that intrigued me. I liked the idea of sitting still, meditating, and using silence to connect with yourself. While that may sound silly to some, it’s important to have stillness within yourself, especially with the constant chaos and noise that swirls around us. Following this, dear reader, have you ever found yourself questioning the spiritual path you were raised in? Many of us were raised in the Christian tradition, and as we have matured, perhaps we have found it lacking.

Are you feeling the urge to reexamine your beliefs, seeking a deeper connection and understanding of your own spiritual essence? If so, I invite you to join us on a journey of exploration, where we venture beyond the confines of traditional Christianity and open ourselves up to a world of diverse spiritual choices.

Please understand, we are in no way criticizing or downing anyone’s beliefs. It’s just that we want to offer a space where you can read and absorb information from a purely explorative point of view. Honestly, you have to to what works for you.

Here at True Heart Vibes, we celebrate the power of self-discovery and embrace alternative spiritual paths that may resonate with your soul. We truly believe that spirituality is a deeply personal and unique journey. We recognize that many women may feel the desire to explore spirituality beyond the boundaries they were raised with, seeking a greater sense of self and connection to the world around them. Our purpose is to provide the resources and information to embark on this transformative path.

Take a few moments to liberate your spirit and expand your horizons. Release any doubts or guilt that may have held you back, for this is a safe space where you can freely explore, question, and discover new spiritual possibilities.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey beyond the borders of Christianity, I invite you to dive deeper into the articles contained here. Read, leave a comment, or simply meditate on what you have learned.. Unleash your curiosity, nurture your soul, and uncover the spiritual choices that resonate with your unique being. It’s time to embrace the call and discover the path that truly lights up your spirit.

Thank you for reading. Be blessed and be peaceful.



Dahlia DeWinters
True Heart Vibes

Author, teacher, mom, all around know it all :). Writer of zombie novels, romance stories and anything in between.