Dahlia DeWinters
True Heart Vibes
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2024


What is True Self-Care?

Image Courtesy of CreateHerStock

Welcome back, beloved! Today, we’re going to talk about self-care. Self-care, as I’m sure you’ve heard or read about, is a concept that basicially means taking care of one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It means participating in activities that promote self-nurturing, relaxation, and personal growth.True self-care goes beyond surface-level practices and provides lasting positive effects. It is essential for overall well-being and plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy and balanced life.

Listen, all the cupcakes, chocolate, ice-cream, fast food, and binge watching, although it may be fun, is not true self-care. Of course, who doesn’t like some treats or like to “veg out” now and then. Beloved, I’m not against that at all. But is that true self-care or just a bit of a quick, fun, distraction?

True self-care is different from surface self-care. True self-care delves deeper as it affects your mind and physical body on a more significant level. As I pointed out before, surface self-care may include fun timeslike taking a bubble bath or indulging in a sweet treat, which can provide momentary relaxation. However, true self-care involves choosing activities that will not only replenish you emotionally, but have long lasting effects.

Authentic self-care activities can serve to increase your emotional resilience and if done on a regular basis, have a profound impact on your overall well-being. When true self-care becomes a habit, you will feel more relaxed, forgiving, appreciative, and compassionate. How do you find your self-care core? Try reflecting on past experiences and asking yourself what activities have energized and shifted challenges in the past. By doing this, you can better determine your true self-care style.

Let’s pivot a bit. How can spirituality help? If you incorporate a spiritual routine into your self-care practices, this can enhance your overall well-being and give you a sense of purpose. Deep spiritual practices can contribute to better mental, emotional, and physical health. Perhaps you can fine inner peace through a connnectio to something greater than you.

Some examples of spiritual practices are meditation, prayer, and connecting with nature. Engaging in these practices on a regular basis can hel you cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, find moments of stillness, and experience a greater connection to the present moment through mindfulness.

At this point, most of you dear readers have heard of medidation in one form or another. On many levels, meditation is a powerful tool for self-care. Practicing medidation regularly can offer you so many benefits for your mind and body. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, promotes relaxation and mental well-being. Through meditation, you can achieve greater mental clarity which in turn will assist you in navigating life’s many challenges more easily.

What else can medication do? Well, meditation can help you manage your emotions more effectively and cultivate a positive mindset. By sitting in stillness and observing your inner thoughts and feelings, you can gain a lot of insight into yourself. Yes, that sounds like “navel-gazing”, but it’s what you do with the information you’ve gained by sitting “with yourself” that matters the most.

In my experience, meditation serves as a tool for self-reflection and self-discovery. Regular practice allows you to deepen your understanding of your true inner workings: your desires, your goals, and your values. Medidation gives you a safe space for introspection and the time to discover your true essence.

MInd you, this is not meant to be a task list or something extra added to an already busy day. No, not at all. Finding joy and fulfillment in self-care activities is crucial for overall well-being and motivation. Engaging in opportunities that bring joy and fulfillment, replenishes energy levels and promotes a sense of inner satisfaction is necessary for us as humans to remain balanced.

There are various self-care practices that can bring joy and fulfillment. Examples include engaging in hobbies — I love to crochet, knit, and read — or creative pursuits, spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, and connecting with loved ones. These activities provide a sense of purpose, joy, and connection. They allow you the time to recharge yourself and find moments of pure joy and happiness.

I know I’ve talked about a lot in this article. Let’s break it down for quick comprehension:

  • Prioritize self-care as a means to care for others. You’ve heard the phrase “you cannot pour from an empty pitcher”. Well, you can’t give what you yourself don’t have.You have to help yourself first, before you help others.
  • Learn to say no by setting boundaries. Setting boundaries allows you to protect both your time and your energy.
  • Don’t be a number. Customize your self-care practices based on your needs and preferences. This is not a paint by the numbers situation. What works for others may not work for you. Listen to that gut intuition and proceed with what feels right for you personally.
  • Change takes challenge. Remember to challenge false narratives you may have about yourself. Self-care involves nurturing your inner dialogue. Kick out that awful negative self-talk and embrace your inner beauty and strength with positive personal affirmations.
  • Neglect can lead to negativity. Beloved, take care of your physical health by getting enough sleep, exercise, and nourishing foods. Making sure you feel well physically is an intergral part of self-care.

True self-care is a necessary aspect of maintaining overall emotional and physical well-being. It goes beyond surface-level practices like chocolate and binge watching, and addresses your deeper needs. By incorporating spirituality, meditation, and just pure joy into self-care routines, you can experience a transformative shift in your life.

Beloved, please understand that prioritizing true self-care allows you to nurture yourself, increase your emotional resilience (and who doesn’t need that?), and live a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, self-care is not selfish but rather an act of self-love and self-preservation. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Take the time for YOU.


True Emotional Resilence Requires True Self-Care

The Meaning and Importance of True Self-Care



Dahlia DeWinters
True Heart Vibes

Author, teacher, mom, all around know it all :). Writer of zombie novels, romance stories and anything in between.