Short Horror | Can You Let Me Out?

Waking Up In An Alternate Universe

Sheena Monster
True Horror Stories


[A Single-Draft Story]

Photo by Tuva Mathilde Løland on Unsplash

Today, I woke up to a different set of rules in a world where logic and rationale no longer apply. I have no recollection of anything beyond walking out my door for weeks or months. I can’t make sense of it, and I just keep thinking, how did I get here?

In what I can only describe as yesterday — it doesn’t feel like a yesterday— I was having a morning like any other morning [for me, probably more like lunchtime for you — not necessary]. I got up, started coffee, stumbled through a morning yoga routine, and sat down to scroll the want ads and socials. When I finished my coffee, I got dressed and headed out to run errands and…then, nothing. Blank. Total amnesia.

I don’t feel any different, like, physically. Really, I was having another typical wake-up until I walked in here to see this shit show. At first, I was only mildly confused; I’m not one to say no to the occasional hallucinogenic. However, it doesn’t add up when you put it all together. Everything is…different, somehow. Every time I think I have it sorted, something else shifts. The dots never fully connect. Certain things are in the strangest of places [again, could be from a trip], and when I go outside, it’s quiet. Like, too quiet. No dogs, no birds — no cars, no candy…

