An Early Morning Call

Changing the Conversation

T. D. Simone
True Love, Romance & Sex
12 min readJan 3, 2015


Business in Bed

Meeting someone face to face to hear her story is always easier than trading emails, text messages, or talking over the phone. You learn a lot watching someone; how nervous or excited she is can’t be captured by words on a screen. A voice on the phone is also… just a voice. It’s harder to communicate a complete story than many people realize.

Yet, how many of us play via computer or over the phone? How many of us have sent one of those messages or images to our lovers? Maybe it’s because we know the person that the missing elements can be filled in by our imaginations. Plus, there’s just something insanely great about wild phone sex. You can “do” things you might never actually do.

I was visiting Los Angeles when Dani emailed me to schedule a night out for drinks, she wrote, “Had wildest phone call. Or Paul did. Will share.”

We met at a place on the Santa Monica Third Street Promenade. If you have ever been in Los Angeles, the Promenade is a great place to people watch. Plus, you can always walk to the pier if you want to see the Pacific. If I ever move back to California, I’d spend a lot of time in Santa Monica. Sitting outside on a warm autumn evening, drinking our way through a specialty martini list, Dani and I caught up for an hour before she was ready to reveal all about the wild phone call.

“You ever have phone sex?” Dani asked.

I nodded and sipped my green appletini.

“What about a phone threesome?”

“You mean like a party line?”

Dani shook her head. “Not exactly. Sex while on the phone with someone else.”

“I took a call from an editor while a boyfriend was trying to start something. It didn’t get started, though,” I admitted.

“Let me tell you about the best phone sex, real sex, just plain wild sex I’ve ever had.”

We ordered the next martinis on our respective lists. Once we were sipping liquid happiness again, Dani started her story, with all the bluntness I’ve come to expect from her.

There is something wonderful about phone calls….

Dani’s Story

The phone rang. The damn landline. Who the hell calls a home phone number anymore?

“Hello,” I mumbled.

It was 6 a.m. on a Monday. I was still sleepy and hoping for another hour or two of peace. But, it was 9 a.m. on the East Coast and some people were expecting Paul to be working already.

“Dani, this is Krystal. Can I speak to Paul?”

I rolled over and looked at Paul, sprawled on his back with his head tilted towards me. Rolling over had wedged my left hand, holding the phone, against the pillow, so I shoved Paul with my right hand, garnering a snort, a wheeze, and finally a, “What?”

“It’s Krystal.”

I took the phone in my right hand and put the cold receiver on Paul’s bare chest, then rolled away from him and pulled up the covers. Still, I listened to hear what the latest crises would be, certain to require that he go in early and respond to accounts. Maybe some overnight response to an ad, some angry group protesting, or a deadline not yet met.

“Do you ever remember the time difference? Yes, of course you do. You know you could wait three hours.”

Paul sounded terrible, his words slow and groggy. I was angry, but I wasn’t sure if it was at him or the agency. They definitely controlled him — and us — with constant demands.

“Krystal, I don’t have any of the files, storyboards, or anything else with me. I’m in bed, dammit.” There was a long silence while he listened to something vaguely human and whiny. I could hear the muffled echoes of Krystal. Paul wasn’t listening, he was actively ignoring his East Coast colleague.

“Laptop? No. I don’t have it in bed with me, oddly enough.”

He placed the phone on the pillow and rolled towards me. His arm went beneath my t-shirt and around my waist. I could feel him next to me, his morning cock rubbing against my panties. As he ignored Krystal, Paul’s left hand crept slowly upward, massaging my left breast before he gently teased my nipple. I straightened slightly, and he pushed harder against me.

“Sure, I’m here,” he sighed sarcastically. Another pause. “What am I doing? I’m fondling Dani’s tits and ignoring you.”

I couldn’t believe Paul would say something like that to anyone, much less a female coworker. And yet, I liked it. Who doesn’t want to be more important than a call from work? I stretched slightly and pushed my ass against his cock to let him know I appreciated him.

“I’ll call you when I get into the office.”

I could make hear Krystal’s muffled voice. Paul rolled enough to dislodge the phone and pass it over my shoulder. Krystal was still talking, sounding frustrated. I put the phone to my ear and listened to her try to tell someone else in the New York office that Paul was swamped and would be getting back to her as soon as possible. There was the unmistakable sound of a door accompanied by a thud I couldn’t decipher.

“Please, Paul?” Krystal begged.

I whispered quietly, “He’ll call you back.”


“Yes. Who else would be in bed with Paul?”

I could tell Krystal was frazzled, at best. We had only met twice before. She was the only female senior account executive in the New York office of their small agency. I admired her, but wouldn’t trade places with her for all the money in the world. She was alone.

“Is he… uh… really?”

I moved the phone to my pillow and kept my voice as quiet as I could. “What?” I whispered. “Is he what?”

“You know. Doing. I mean, is he… well, what he said?”

I was stunned she would ask. Why would she ask? Maybe it was a request for confirmation that Paul was too busy to work. Krystal was definitely exhausted and worried.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re asking about,” I lied. Paul’s hand was cupped around my breast, again. He was gently caressing me and I was increasingly curious to measure Krystal’s interest in what we were doing. “What did he say?” I asked, though I knew exactly what he had said.

My voice was not as inviting as it could have been, but I also didn’t want her to hang up until I had the satisfaction of making her uncomfortable. I was being bitchy, I admit, yet something was weird about Krystal not giving up and letting us sleep.

She struggled, but managed to ask most of the question with some effort. “Is he really, you know, fondling…. I mean, is he really busy?”

“Fondling my tits?” There. I said it. And the moment I did, I could feel myself getting warm all over. “Yes, his hand is up my t-shirt, fondling my breasts, playing with my nipples.”

The last time Krystal and I met was at a company gathering here in Los Angeles. I noticed her looking at Paul and me. Every time I returned her glance, she’d look away. Now, I had a chance to remind her that I was the one with Paul. He was mine, not the agency’s and not hers.

“He’ll have to call you back. Bye, now.”

“Wish I were him,” I heard in a rushed, nervous staccato.

My finger was on the “end” button, ready to disconnect the phone, but I didn’t press down. Instead, I shifted slightly and inhaled deeply. I could feel my cheeks burn red, even though no one could see me. What the hell had she just said? I must have misheard or misunderstood.

“Really?” I finally managed to respond, slowly and skeptically.

“I wish I could be there, instead of here.”

“Whatever. Later.”

“I’d be playing with your tits, too.”

I had no idea what I should do next. Hang up? Scream? Laugh? I wasn’t even aware that I had started to rock slightly. I listened to Krystal’s nervous breathing and a long sigh. I had never imagined she had been watching me, not Paul. The best I could manage was a whispered, “Wow.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll let you go.”

“No. Wait.” I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but I wanted to say something. I was definitely complemented that someone attractive and intelligent had noticed me. While I didn’t want to send the wrong signal, I wasn’t sure there was a wrong one to send. “Stay on the line.”

“I, uh….” There was that breathing again, and this time it was getting me wet. “Okay. Yes. No one’s around,” Krystal managed to say.

I guided Paul’s left hand to make sure he remembered that I liked a gentle caress. I pushed against him to make sure he was getting the idea.

“He’s caressing my breasts, gently, and my nipples are hard. He’s pinching one, now, and it sends a nice shiver through my body.”

Krystal’s breathing slowed to a rhythmic pattern I recognized from my own fantasizing. Soon, we were breathing in sync.



“I’d be sucking and nibbling.”

Yes, I thought, that sounds much better. I rolled onto my back and looked at Paul. He was drowsily rubbing my chest.

“You should be sucking my tits,” I told him. I whispered into the phone, “One sec.” I took off my t-shirt and presented myself in the morning sunlight. My breasts flattened nicely, I must admit, with my nipples straight up begging to be sucked. Nothing but a slow caress. I held the phone again.

“I’m down to my panties,” I informed Krystal, who responded with a beautiful whimpering, begging, thrilled sound.

“Dammit. Tell him to suck you!”



“Krystal says you need to suck my tits. So do it.”

He leaned up on an elbow and looked at me. I was cradling the phone next to my ear, waiting for Paul to either tell me to hang up or to do as I asked. He just stared down, so I tugged on my nipples and cupped the breasts. “You know you want to suck these.” I knew Paul couldn’t resist if I played with my breasts. He leaned down and began kissing, sucking, and gently biting my tits.

“Hmmm. He’s sucking on my left tit while pinching my right nipple,” I reported.

“Oh, yes. Yes. That’s wonderful,” Krystal sighed.

I don’t know how long this lasted, but it wasn’t more than a minute or two before I guided his hand down to my panties. He slid his hand under the cloth.

“He’s rubbing my pussy, finally,” I told Krystal.

“About time,” she sighed.

“He’s teasing my clit. He’s dipping into my wet pussy and then teasing my clit.” I moaned slightly, arching my back.

“I’d be licking your pussy. Tell him to lick you.”

I let myself enjoy the feel of Paul’s fingers, sliding in and out, then around my clit. I could hear Krystal and knew she was fantasizing, maybe even touching herself while listening. I imagined her sitting behind a desk, rubbing her own pussy.

“Taste me. Lick me,” I ordered Paul.

Paul pulled up beside me, then leaned over and began kissing my thighs. He was on his knees, his hard cock at an angle. I could see the drops of cum in the morning light. I reached down and touched the tip of his cock and played with the cum. I felt his kisses draw closer and closer. A hand spread open my pussy and his mouth closed around my clit.

“He’s licking me and I have his cock in my hand,” I informed Krystal.

“Are you going to jerk him off?”

“Do you want me to?” I was taking requests from her, now, doing whatever she wanted.

“Don’t make him cum, but stroke him just enough.” Her voice was trembling; she was definitely close to making herself orgasm. “I want him to cum inside you.”

I slid my hand down Paul’s cock, making sure my entire hand was lubricated with his dripping cum. I pumped a few times, and he drew my clit into his mouth. The intensity was too much.

“Fuck me!” I ordered.

“Yes, please… fuck her!” Krystal agreed.

Paul looked up and smiled. He didn’t say anything. He repositioned himself so he was on his knees in front of me. I raised my ass off the bed slightly, and he slid his cock deep into my wet pussy. We were both so wet that it was the easiest penetration I’d ever enjoyed.

I switched the phone to my left hand, reached down with my right to massage myself while Paul fucked me as I raised and lowered my ass. I could feel the ridge of his cock head and the pulse of his veins.

“He’s fucking me. Oh, damn, is he fucking me.”

“Tighten for him. Tease his dick.”

I did as Krystal suggested, pulling my muscles tight around Paul’s cock, which encouraged him to thrust harder. He was thrusting like never before, lasting longer than I expected.

“I wish I could be there, sucking your tits as he fucks you,” Krystal said in a panting rhythm. That was too much.

“Fuck!” I was dripping down my thigh, along my ass. I had never cum like this before. I was shaking. And Paul was still pumping.

“I would straddle you, if you’d let me, so you could watch me finger myself and I’d cum while he fucked you.”

I wanted to watch Krystal masturbate. I wanted to finger-fuck Krystal until she couldn’t stand. No, I wanted to lick her pussy and taste her juices. I couldn’t believe I wanted that, but at this moment, I wanted her to feel what I felt. Still, I wasn’t going to tell her that.

Paul thrust in, as deep and as he could. He leaned over and kissed me. I let my tongue explore his mouth as his cum erupted inside me. He lifted his head and looked at me, thrusting as he came. “Yes! Yes!” I shouted, shaking as I came again.

Paul rose and slowly pulled out. His cum dripping out of my pussy.

“Oh, fuck!” I heard Krystal moan.

“What’s wrong?” as I asked.

Krystal giggled a little. “I sort of came all over myself.”

Paul rose from the bed, his cock still partially erect.

“Paul,” I begged, “where are you going?”

He stood there, enjoying my gaze. He smiled and said, “I have to get ready for work. Just keep thinking about me all day.”

I reached between my legs and sighed. I heard Paul start the shower.

“Maybe we’ll talk again,” I suggested.

“With… or without… Paul around,” Krystal said. Then she added, “I’ll be in Los Angeles in a couple of weeks. Maybe we can have coffee.”

“Or maybe you can stay with us.” I rubbed my clit, using Paul’s cum. “This was a wonderful call after all.”

“Are you still — ?”

I admitted that I was touching myself. Krystal exhaled one of those wonderful sighs, letting me know she wanted to help but would settle for listening. I described my pussy in detail, how it was neatly trimmed. She asked about my lips and clit.

“You want to kiss my lips, don’t you?” I asked.

“Yes, and I will, too.”

“I have a narrow slit, with tight little lips, like they’re pursed together. My clit is a just a little button, and it loves to be licked and teased.”

We talked while Paul showered. By the time I heard the water stop, I was trembling from the best orgasm I can remember.

“Do you think we can be friends?”

“Yes,” I assured Krystal. “I know we can be friends.”

I wished Krystal a good morning, promised Paul would call her from his office, and went to join him in the shower.

A One-Time Fantasy Pass

Dani ordered a blueberry martini, and then we both sat and watched people for a couple of minutes. When her drink arrived, she took a long drink before speaking.

“Krystal decided to say in a hotel, but we met for lunch twice. We also went to a company dinner at the end of the week.”

“So it was a one-time experiment. It sounded fun.”

“Not exactly,” Dani admitted. “She told me she’s bi and open. I told Paul I was curious. Very curious. I’m going to be in New York in two weeks. I’m staying with Krystal.”

I wondered if Paul would have been so openminded if Krystal hadn’t been a beautiful female coworker. Men are quite insecure about other men, yet they appreciate the idea of another women.

“Is it cheating, if you tell your partner?” Dani asked.

“You’re not lying or deceiving him, I suppose.”

“Good. Because I think I like Krystal. I love Paul, but I sure want to see what it is like. And I know Paul will want to hear the details.”

Yes, that would make him a pretty typical male.



T. D. Simone
True Love, Romance & Sex

Romance Writer. I collect true stories of romance and steamy passion from women, alter details to protect the shy, and publish the stories in anthologies.