An Introduction

Erotica based on interviews… #nsfw

T. D. Simone
True Love, Romance & Sex


The stories I share online and those appearing in my collections were told to me by women discovering that passion is amplified when you allow yourself the thrill of playing along with another woman. One woman is sexy. Two is dangerously fun. Women know each other better than a man could ever understand them. I’ve read dozens of studies on why women bond to each other, and what the evolutionary basis for such intimate emotional bonding might be. Personally, all I know is that women seem happier when they can share experiences with each other.

Women enjoy sex. We can be as visual and as physical as men. Portrayals of female sexuality are a paradox of submission and control. The women who have asserted power through sexuality have been depicted as abnormal or evil — seductresses tempting weak-willed men. Yet we’ve also been conditioned to associate sex with losing control over our lives, with pregnancy and motherhood being equated with servitude instead of power.

As an undergraduate, I studied journalism and took several sociology courses. During my senior year, I read books like Nancy Friday’s My Secret Garden for a human sexuality course. Friday’s books changed my life. I had stumbled on the perfect senior honors thesis: an ethnography of college women’s feminist sex-positive experiences. Friends shared their stories with me, as I took notes in a black Moleskine journal. Some did need to discuss abuse, body image, and other dark aspects of the female experience. We need to stand up and be heard on those issues, I agree, but I wanted to offer something different to women. There were a surprising number of positive stories and sex and relationships. Those are what I wanted to remind people are part of the female experience.

In the years since college, I have written about serious issues for magazines, newspapers, and websites. When a friend asked about the nights we used to spend drinking and sharing “bedtime stories” in my apartment, she was surprised that I hadn’t shared those stories with readers. I had drifted into the dark corners of “women’s issues,” without noticing. My friend suggested I contact some of our old classmates, collect some new stories, and share them with women curious about how to be sexually empowered.

“Make them stories about sharing with other women,” my friend said. “We share our sexuality in ways men don’t. That’s one extremely positive aspect of our friendships.” I hadn’t really considered my friendships as sex-positive, yet they were. Talking about sex, even when we danced around the topic, was something that brought us together.

The collection of short stories you are now reading features women sharing moments of passion, desire, and lust. These are not stories of careless threesomes or affairs, but of women sharing an intimate bond — sharing what it is to love someone so much you want the world to know. You don’t merely make love or have sex. No, you want your girlfriends to know you and your lover manage to make love, have sex, and fuck all at once.

When a woman offers to tell me a story, what she really wants is to relive it. Admit it, when you tell a girlfriend how great your boyfriend, fiancé, or husband is in bed (or anywhere else), what you’re really saying is, “I get to fuck him and you don’t!” There’s a tiny bit of bragging to the sharing. There’s also the thrill of sharing the details, which is why you want to hear your girlfriends’ stories, too. You get turned on sharing, whether you’re the one revealing all or one of the listeners. And if you are anything like me, you can’t wait to get home and fuck your man while reliving the stories in your mind.

Why stop at sharing stories? Would you share a homemade video? Would you tease your lover in front of your friends? Would you let your friends flirt and tease until he begged you to fuck him? How much would you share? What happens when women discover the thrill of teasing each other, as well as a confused man? Trust me, the man will be confused, but he won’t complain.

I am a romantic. Oh, I’ve been called a free spirit and a bohemian, which are fair descriptions. Still, don’t confuse the daring and unconventional streak in me for a lack of traditional romantic idealism. There is nothing more passionate, more erotic, more wonderful than a couple in love.

As an observer of human behavior, I pay close attention to the couples around me. You can tell the couples in love, especially the ones still in love after years together. They flirt, tease, and play. There’s a special trust that allows these couples to explore without fear of losing each other. Exploring and taking risks stokes their flames of passion.

Have you shared intimate details with a friend? Have you involved a friend in your romantic play? The stories you’re about to read are from women like you. Maybe you haven’t given in to those urges to share or to tease, but if you do, if you have, consider letting me know the details. I’ll only tell a few of our closest friends.



T. D. Simone
True Love, Romance & Sex

Romance Writer. I collect true stories of romance and steamy passion from women, alter details to protect the shy, and publish the stories in anthologies.