Driving Him Crazy

Full Exposure in the Car

T. D. Simone
True Love, Romance & Sex
13 min readNov 14, 2014


Natural Kris

Kris is a nature photographer who lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband James, a nature guide. I met them while working on one of my other writing projects, with no intention of revealing my identity or discussing my “fun” writing projects.

They had been kind enough to offer a place to stay, which I usually decline but we were in the middle of nowhere. One evening after a long day of hiking about, Kris and I were sitting out on their deck reading. Her long brown hair was still damp from the post-hike shower. She was wearing denim shorts and a tank-top, her bare feet on the edge of the patio chair.

I noticed the erotica she was holding and smiled, quickly returning to the biography I had purchased at the airport bookstore.

“I know, it’s silly, but I love these collections of letters,” Kris offered. “James likes it when I read them to him at night. We’re not exactly prudes, as you’ve probably noticed. I’ve always thought they were made up, anyway.”

“Most of those letters probably are,” I replied. “Still, it is fun to try to determine which ones are real.”

“Oh, good. I was worried you’d think I was weird.”

“Not at all. I love those books, too. Reading them aloud is a lot of fun.”

“It’s a guilty pleasure, but we need those.”

“Why feel guilty?” I caught myself asking. I just couldn’t resist asking, to understand why so many of us feel that way.

“I don’t know. It’s just fluff, I suppose.”

“Did you ever think of them as textbooks? Research? You might be learning some fun new ideas.”

Kris laughed and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Can I tell you something?”

I nodded.

“I’ve always wanted to share one of my stories. Okay, the one story I have like these.”

“What if I told you I could pass along the story to an editor of books like that?”

“You can? Seriously? That would be kind of thrilling.”

I assured Kris that I most certainly could pass along her story, if she’d let me take notes. She thought about it only for a second before suggesting that James was busy in his office planning a river trip for some business group. We would be safely alone out on the deck. She’d get the fire pit going if I wanted to get my notebook.

When I returned with a spiral-bound reporter’s notebook, Kris had the fire lit and two wine glasses conveniently set on the table between our chairs.

And then she shared her story of a how a hike should end….

Kris’ Story

Caitlyn is an aspiring nature photographer and my some-time darkroom assistant. Yes, I still develop film for collectors and will keep doing so until I just can’t buy the film, photo paper, or chemicals anymore. Maybe I’ll switch to daguerreotypes when that time arrives. But, like most professionals, I’ve gone digital for ninety percent of my work. Caitlyn knows digital techniques better than anyone I’ve met, but she’s still developing as an artist.

When James is between whitewater tours or camp outings or whatever the Denver and Salt Lake tourists want this season, he’s my personal driver and pack mule. He appreciates what I do, as you can tell by all the photos on our walls, but he’d rather be in nature than looking at images of it. At least that means he’s content going on photo safaris with me anywhere there aren’t many people.

It was a quiet summer Wednesday, one of those days you know is going to be hot and dry. I had explained to Caitlyn that these days, with bright white clouds and warm blue skies, often make for the best sunset shoots. We’d take photos throughout the afternoon, experimenting with shadows, and wait for the sunset. We’d also do a bit of night photography with tripods.

James knew this would be a long day. He made sure we had lots of water, some granola bars, and some dried fruit. For a simple day trip, the Toyota FJ Cruiser was loaded. Admittedly, most of the stuff was camera equipment. You never know what you might need. We would be driving a bit, taking photos, and driving on to the next location. This wasn’t a camping trip, after all.

Once we hit the trails, we looked like a weird scouting troop. We each wore brown hiking books, thick socks, denim camp shorts, and short-sleeved chambray shirts. I can’t tell you how important good socks are when you hike as often as we do. We probably smelled of a mix of bug repellant and sunscreen, too. The intent is to get the best photos possible, not to win style points. Anyway, we were unlikely to see more than a few other people out on the trails.

In the heat of the late afternoon, Caitlyn and I were on the lookout for the best shadows. James was drinking from a water bottle, tired of lugging about my camera bag and tripod. He carries more weight while hiking, but a pack is balanced and on your back. James sat everything down on the ground and watched as I coached Caitlyn. Maybe it is because he was tired, and maybe it is because the heat was clouding his judgment, but he didn’t even try to hide the fact he was watching her.

Caitlyn is in her early twenties. She’s tanned and fit, which is a bit easier when you’re young. Even in our hiking garb, she was cute. She wore a national park baseball cap, her light brown pony tail hanging through the back. She doesn’t say much, which I like, and when she does speak it is in a soft, yet joyful, sing-song voice.

“I’ll be right back,” she told me. She walked over to where James sat and placed her camera on top of my bag. Then, she walked back a bit and off the trail.

“I see you’re using your artist’s eye,” I told James.

“Huh?” he grunted.

“You. Watching Caitlyn. I might have to punish you when we get home.”

James shrugged, dismissing whatever I might be implying with the rise and fall of his shoulders. We tell each other almost anything; I don’t mind at all when he notices someone. But, I never thought he noticed Caitlyn. That had some potential.

“I’m pretty sure she can feel that stare of yours.”

“Doubt it,” James replied, admitting his interest casually. “She’s focused on the shadows, after all.”

Caitlyn quickly returned, retrieving her camera. She apologized for needing to pee, which struck me as a little silly, and we resumed our lessons. James resumed his observations.

The sunset was spectacular. Orange, red, and purple mixed, the colors enhanced by the haze of a distant wildfire. Sometimes, beauty comes from unexpected sources, like smoke. I used my film camera for several shots, and then swapped it for the digital body.

“Thank God I wasn’t carrying all your shit for no reason,” James muttered.

“Yeah, well that shit you’re carrying helps pay the bills. And it takes up a lot less space than your gear.”

“Fair enough,” James said with a smile. I love that smile.

At our final stop, we hiked about a mile from the road. James knew a spot where no city lights, no traffic, nothing would ruin a good shot of the full moon or the first stars of the night. He not only lugged all my camera shit, as he called it, but also wore a pack with a pair of blanket rolls.

While Caitlyn and I used the tripods to take timed-exposures of the Western sky, James actually napped for an hour or so. I don’t know how he does it, but he can sleep anywhere. He doesn’t even snore.

“Sorry he was leering at you,” I apologized to Caitlyn.

“I didn’t really notice,” she lied. I’ve worked with her long enough to know when she’s just being polite.

“I’ll talk to him,” I promised. Of course, I wasn’t going to tell him he was wrong or anything. But I would talk to him.

“If it bothers you, I understand,” Caitlyn said. “But it really isn’t a big deal to me.”

That was an interesting opening.

About midnight, I woke up James and let him know we were done and were ready to leave. We hiked back towards the road, James leading the way. In the moonlight, I could see that Caitlyn wasn’t watching the trail. She was leering as obviously as James had a few hours earlier. I decided not to mention it. Plus, it was kind of adorable.

We loaded up the FJ and started back toward our house. We’d traveled far enough with the various photo stops that the drive would take at least two hours. There’s never any traffic on these rural roads, but after 1 a.m. it is downright eerie. The lights of FJ and the full moon made the desolate landscape even more beautiful.

Within a half hour, Caitlyn was lying across the back seat, which couldn’t have been comfortable. I twisted to look back at her. She was asleep, snoring quietly. She had removed her boots, her sock feet on the seat behind me and her head behind James.

“Thank you for driving and carrying the gear,” I offered.

“I don’t mind. You know that. It was relaxing.”

“Explains how you were able to take a nap!”

“Well, it was either take a nap or drive myself nuts watching you two beautiful ladies taking pictures.”

“Ah, that’s sweet.” For a rough-edged outdoorsman, James was being charming in his way.

“Simply the truth.”

I sensed an opportunity to tease him, making the drive home far more interesting. “So you had to close your eyes? Tell me why?”

“Done said it. You’re beautiful.”

“You said we both are. Caitlyn, too.”

“Yeah, she’s good scenery. As nice as the mountains.”

I looked behind the driver’s seat one last time to make sure Caitlyn was asleep.

“That’s an interesting thought. Using a model out here, I could capture some interesting images, playing with light and shadows,” I observed. “But, I haven’t worked with models in years.”

James didn’t respond. Time to be blunt.

“I bet Caitlyn would look amazing across one of the smooth rocks. Some water and oil misted on her so her skin would glisten. Or maybe try for an effect that blends her tanned skin into the rocks around us.”

“Interesting idea, yes,” James finally agreed.

“You’d have to be my assistant.”

“I already carry your shit,” he sighed.

“No, I meant you’d have to mist down the model and keep an eye on her needs. You could do that, couldn’t you? Mist down Caitlyn?”

“Prob’ly. Sounds easy enough.”

I put the shoulder belt behind me, so I could lean over towards James. He looked at me and looked in the mirror. I doubt he could see much of Caitlyn, but he was clearly a little concerned. I unzipped his shorts slowly.

“Keep your eyes on the road,” I reminded him. The narrow roads wind unpredictably, and there are animals out in the country, too.

“Well, kind of hard to think about the road.”

“Yes, it is kind of hard,” I responded, freeing his dick.

James looked in the mirror, trying to check on Caitlyn.

“She’s sleeping,” I assured him. I could see her face, resting on her left arm. She was adorable, still wearing the baseball cap.

I love playing with James’ dick. It’s uncut, making it easier to tease and play. If you’ve stroked both, you know that uncircumcised dicks are different. Protected by skin, the heads are nice and smooth, almost delicate. They’re also more sensitive, in my experience. You can use the skin, rolling it up and down the shaft. And that’s what I did. I moved the skin up and down, covering and exposing the head.

“I’ll ask her sometime, if she might be up for posing,” I continued. “I’d try to capture that personality on film. That excited, curious, youth.”

James glanced in the rearview mirror again, and his dick danced. The happy dick dance men can’t hide. And since his dick was out for me to play, the dance was all the more obvious. I released my grip and tapped the tip of his dick to tease it more.

“Look at you!” I laughed. “I love your little bouncing dick.”

“Little? Humph.”

His dick felt so amazing. I’d rather see him shirtless, with those stunning six-pack abs from hiking, rowing, repelling, and everything else he does on those tours. Yet, at that moment, his dick was so much more than a penis. It isn’t large, it isn’t anything special, but it is James’ dick.

I unbuttoned my top and let it fall from my shoulders. I was wearing a sports bra for hiking, so this was the only way to remove it. I carelessly tossed the bra to the backseat. For a moment, I was topless. Sure enough, a lone truck came up and around the next twist in the road. It passed quickly, but I loved the flash of light on my breasts. I put my shirt on, leaving it unbuttoned and open for James to steal glances of my untanned, very pale, chest. I swear my skin glowed in the moonlight.

“You wish you could see Caitlyn’s breasts right now, don’t you?”


“Bullshit, James.” I reached over and started pumping his dick, hard and fast, just to make my point. “You’d love it if she was naked back there. Or up here. What if it was her hand on your dick? Or her mouth?”

With that last question, I went down on James. His dick danced in my mouth. James lifted slightly, wanting to fuck my mouth, and doing all he could to not go wild. You can count the number of times my mouth has been near a dick on one hand. It’s just not something I’m comfortable doing, and yet I wanted to do the unexpected. Though I could manage only the briefest blowjob in history, it was enough that James was too close to cumming. I sat up and wiped my mouth on my shirt sleeve.

And then I looked reflexively to the back seat.

In the dim light, Caitlyn smiled at me, holding the bra I had tossed recklessly in her right hand. It took all my energy to not react. I was fairly sure James still couldn’t see our passenger was awake. She dropped the bra.

“Did you like that?” I asked, knowing the answer. I grabbed James again, stroking very slowly. “Just keep thinking those thoughts. Those thoughts of Caitlyn, posing in the sunset.”

I let go and I leaned across. I turned and looked directly into Caitlyn’s eyes. My shirt was open, I realized, looking down self-consciously. “You can’t see much from behind, can you?” I asked her.

She shook her head.

“Do you want us to stop?”

She shook her head again.

“Then you need to rotate around, I suppose.”

As Caitlyn sat up to shift seats, James looked to me. I kept rolling my hand up and down, covering and uncovering his dick, his cum making the motion easier and easier. Caitlyn curled up, leaving me a view of her socks. She reached down and removed the socks. I can’t explain why, but it was damn sexy. She rubbed her feet together. I turned my attention to James.

“That’s nice,” Caitlyn said softly. “It’s so romantic.”

“Romantic would have been making love under that moonlight,” I sighed. “Maybe next time?”

“Could bring a tent,” James managed to mumble.

“That would be so romantic,” Caitlyn sighed. “The two of you, in a tent, out here….” She sighed again.

“Would you consider being a model out here? Something artistic, maybe black and white,” I said, to myself as much as to her. “Of course, I’d never ask you to do — “

“Those beautiful images where you never see the model’s face? Hell, yeah, I’m in.”

“Guess you’ll get to see Caitlyn naked, James.”

“Yes, he will.” As she spoke, she unbuttoned her shorts and slid them down to her feet, her panties in the shorts, and kicked the clothes off. “Please, please don’t stop what you’re doing!” And then she removed her shirt and a simple bra as quickly as humanly possible. Caitlin was completely naked on the seat behind us.

As I stroked James, Caitlyn leaned forward, between our seats. She watched, mesmerized, as I masturbated my husband.

“That is so cool,” she whispered.

Just to be mean, I stopped and let go.

“James, you might have to finish yourself.”

“Don’t go pullin’ that shit. Not now,” he pleaded. “Come on.”

“You come on. You can do it. Just glance at Caitlyn in the mirror if you start to get floppy.”

Caitlyn smiled at me and shifted to the middle of the back seat. She struck a very unladylike pose, with her legs spread open and her head leaning back. I was surprised to discover she didn’t shave. Her curly brown bush was much thicker than my own.

“I don’t even jerk off in front of you that often,” James protested.

“Please. I want to watch,” Caitlyn begged.

James took a hand of the wheel and let the FJ slow slightly. He hesitated before grabbing his dick. When he finally did start to stroke, he remained nervous.

“Isn’t this great? Your wife, breasts exposed. Her beautiful assistant nude and eager. Your dick in your hand. Just imagine if a sheriff pulled us over.”

Caitlyn laughed, and the laugh turned into a giggle.

James stroked himself, up and down. I let my shirt drop off my shoulders, so my breasts were fully exposed. And in the middle of the back row, Caitlyn rubbed herself, while staring at James’ dick. It was, oddly enough, both wild and romantic. James stroked himself faster, stealing quick glances of Caitlyn in the rearview mirror. It didn’t take long before James came all over, making quite the mess.

“Ah, hell,” he complained. “But, shit, that felt good.”

He had to wait a bit before tucking his dick back into his shorts. I pulled my shirt back onto my shoulders and buttoned the third button, and no others. Caitlyn reclined across the backseat, remaining exposed until we pulled into our garage. I thought she might at least get dressed then. Instead, with the garage door still open, she got out of the FJ and walked about, naked in the moonlight.

James opened the tailgate and we walked back to unload the camera equipment. The naked Caitlyn walked up and stood between us. She placed an arm around each of us.

“What a great day!” she exclaimed. “I can’t wait for the camping trip.”

She retrieved her clothes and let herself into our house.

“Damn,” James summarized his thoughts. “Damn.”

“You know she’s inside and it’s late.” I observed. “She’ll be staying the night.”

Photo Memories

Kate looked at me as I finished transcribing.

“I know it isn’t the most wild story in the world, but its mine.”

“It’s a good story,” I assured her. “It’s one thing to be open, another to take some action on a fantasy.”

“I had never had anything like that happen to me,” Kris said as she finished her glass of wine. “Nothing.”

“And did you take that camping trip?” I asked.

“I”ll show you the photos. They are everything I hoped they’d be. And so was the camping.”

Kris rose and led me into the house.



T. D. Simone
True Love, Romance & Sex

Romance Writer. I collect true stories of romance and steamy passion from women, alter details to protect the shy, and publish the stories in anthologies.