Let’s talk.

Victor Ofoegbu
True Motility
Published in
1 min readJan 20, 2019

When people come together to achieve a common goal, problems are the most natural things that result.

Almost immediately, egos get brushed down, opinions get ignored, there’s no room for independence here. If the team fails, everyone else does.

The fact that problems arise in situations like this isn’t the problem. The problem is communication. How willing members of the team are willing to say;

Hey, let’s talk about this.

Versus swallowing their pain and expressing it in more subtle ways that affect the whole team.

It’s more interesting when members of a team are result oriented. When they have an “If we’re having a problem, how might we solve it” mindset.

Here’s the point of this story;

A problem shared is a problem half solved.

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Victor Ofoegbu
True Motility

Product-Focused Software Engineer. Learning to design & build digital experiences