You Are Your Own Worst Enemy, But Don’t Forget to be Your Own Best Friend

All the joys of friendship, without the traffic.

Scott Leonardi
True Scuba


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Sometimes it can be hard not to think that something is missing from your life when things are going relatively smoothly for you.

I seem to fluctuate between the feeling of empowerment from taking control of my life and making progress in the areas I care about, and the soul-crushing anxiety of knowing nothing really matters all that much. *cue the existential dread.

One day can be full of contentment and gratitude that the life we’re living is so full of wonder and opportunity to accomplish great things, and sometimes within that same day you revert back into wondering what the point of it all is. The roller coaster never seems to end, and it can be easy to resign yourself to closing your eyes, covering your ears, and trying your best to tune out both the bad and good sides of life in the hope that you find some sort of stable banality amidst the chaos of everyday living.

Juggling these two feelings looks from the outside like it must be some kind of never-ending torture. You wouldn’t be entirely wrong, but I wouldn’t call it torture. It’s more like a daily exercise for the spirit. Soul squats, if you will.



Scott Leonardi
True Scuba

Paddling into the alphabet ocean, lookin’ to be a true scuba. Writer of stories, screenplays, poetry and more. All found at