Human Connection: What Is It and How to Make More of It

Deconstructing the most satisfying relationship moments so that you can reverse-engineer them

Marta Brzosko
Connection Hub


Photo by Mikhail Nilov via Pexels

Just like most abstract concepts, “connection” escapes definitions. And yet, there’s value in trying to define it.

If we can grasp what human connection means and map out ways to create it, we’re more likely to experience it. And if you ask me, that’s one of the things we currently need the most on this planet.

According to Anna Mercury who writes about the intersection of culture and climate change:

“Right now, more than anything, we need human ingenuity. (…) We all need to be experimenting with different ways of living, with different ways of organizing society and with radically different ways of behaving on this planet.”

One avenue to find those “radically different ways” is through connection.

When human connection happens at scale, it can inform new ways of being, solving problems, and — as a result — a new culture. It opens untapped possibilities because it changes how we make meaning. It allows us to feel safer in the world — and therefore changes motivations from which we make choices.

