Real Power Comes From Feeling Safe to Be Vulnerable

Why inner work is best done in tandem with community

Marta Brzosko
Connection Hub


Photo by RDNE Stock project via Pexels

Until recently, I needed a lot of control in my relationships. I needed constant reassurance that I was safe. There, I could find empowerment.

Right now, I’m discovering a new layer of power.

I experience it when my baseline sense of safety is so strong that I can allow myself a wobble.

As Sara Ness noticed in her last newsletter, leaning into your edge (aka, expanding your comfort zone) often requires leaping over that edge.

Learning where your boundaries lie may mean you have them crossed first.

Your limitations in a new skill only make themselves known once you’ve pushed beyond them and failed.

My practice of choice in this life is conscious relating. So when I speak about “edge,” “comfort zone,” or “limits,” they often relate to my social capacity.

For the longest time, I didn’t know how to find my power in relationships. I do not mean power as dominating others or dictating my wishes — although sometimes, this came out as the shadow side of my quest. But mostly, the power I’ve been looking for was simply about feeling equal to other people.



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