What Boundaries Have to Do with Pleasure

Female bodies block out pleasure as a result of female mouths not saying “no”

Marta Brzosko
Connection Hub


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

“And then, the women ended up trying to include everyone and make them feel comfortable — at the expense of their own enjoyment!”

My friend was just telling me about one of the Burner events she attended. You know, those where people supposedly have more awareness of consent and boundaries. Where everyone can play uninhibitedly, trusting that others will say when something doesn’t feel right for them.

That’s part of what the events based on Burning Man principles are trying to do, in my understanding.

But even there, personal boundaries are compromised in ways big and small. Some of it, I believe, happens because of the negligence of the giving side (often, but not always, men). But part of it is due to the receiving side of the equation (often, but not always, women), having been socialized to put their own needs second. Instead, they cater to what is requested of them.

One of the results may be a limitations as to how the receivers are able to experience pleasure.

Exploring pleasure in a deliberate, conscious way is new to me. Yeah, I guess this is a disclaimer. I’m going to speak from my limited experience of a newbie…

