Why Community Organisers Are So Prone to Burnout

Naming our vulnerabilities — with an invitation at the end

Marta Brzosko
Connection Hub


Photo by RF._.studio via Pexels

A few weeks ago, I paused my engagement in the Authentic Connection Group I’d been running for almost three years.

I paused a Circling practice group I was facilitating with my friend.

I cancelled Wednesday morning meditations I’d been holding for a few months. (even though barely anyone was coming)

I also messaged the Community Working Group at The Salisbury Centre to say I may or may be skipping some meetings in the next few months.

I think I caught myself just before burnout. But that’s only because I’ve experienced burnout before, and I knew how the stage just before feels.

Otherwise, I was on a downward spiral to get overwhelmed and resentful again.

While this time I escaped it, I’m asking myself: Why is burnout such a normal condition among community organisers? Most people I know who do community work are exceptionally self-aware and well-versed in self-care. They typically have resources and knowledge to support themselves and keep their efforts at healthy levels.

And yet, organisers are among the highest-risk groups when it comes burnout. A poll by re:power shows it’s the biggest…

