Member-only story

We Brake For Wildlife

Traveling with Rich & Julie

Julia A. Keirns
True Travel Tales


Photo by author.

Even though it says “Traveling” with Rich and Julie, we haven’t been doing any traveling lately. We took our first work camp job and are in the process of spending 8 months helping fix up an old campground in South Texas. I honestly am kind of enjoying staying put, and Rich stays busy doing odd jobs around the park, but I still want to get out and do some sightseeing sometimes. Yesterday, New Year’s Eve 2024, was one of those days. It’s a new year and that makes it a good time to commit to sharing more of our adventures again.

We both enjoy driving around the backroads looking for wildlife. Today I found a back road and we drove it until it dead-ended at a large private ranch. We saw some animals down a driveway that said, “No Trespassing” so I couldn’t get Rich to pull any closer.

Photo by author.

I zoomed in and can’t really tell. It looked like a group of javelina pigs, but then it kind of looked like a bunch of wild turkeys too. We think it was javelinas by the way they were moving.



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