Beating the Vaccine Scare-Mongers

Something to consider before getting the vaccine — or deciding not to.

Randy Cassingham
True Uncommon Sense


Now that the coronavirus vaccine is rolling out, there are several important things to watch out for, which may take a little Uncommon Sense to fully get past the scare-mongers.

Employees at McKesson, a healthcare supply chain distributor, work in a freezer to pack up the first doses of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for shipment. (Photo: McKesson)

It’s practically a miracle that the Covid-19 vaccine is already being administered. That was certainly made possible by the application of Uncommon Sense, but that’s a story for another day. Meanwhile, there are some things to watch out for.

First, when you get the vaccine you’ll probably feel pretty icky for the next 24–48 hours, but that’s not just OK, that’s preferable: it means your body is quickly ramping up defenses against Covid. But rest assured it’s not possible to get Covid from the shot.

With more than one vaccine being approved, it looks like we could get as many as 100 million people vaccinated by the end of March. If we’re really lucky, more. But even if we do, that’s nowhere near enough to reach the “herd immunity” we’ve been hearing about. That’s when enough people have the antibodies to the virus to keep it from spreading wildly, which is what it’s doing right now.

Herd Immunity

