Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2022


Announcing the Truebit-Hardhat-Ganache Release Alpha Test

Today we’re announcing the Truebit-Hardhat-Ganache Alpha test is open for developers! The Truebit-Hardhat-Ganache deployment is an important next step in the evolution of Truebit. It ensures compatibility with Ethereum 2.0, as well as provides developers with a simple, more reliable environment that promotes faster development processes.

We’re really excited to share and invite all developers to join our Truebit-Hardhat-Ganache Alpha test. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to provide more stability to the protocol, and we’re ready to share our latest enhancements with an initial, opt-in group before rolling out the full Beta later this year.

The deployment provides continuity with the impending Ethereum merge, ensuring compatibility with proof of stake and Ethereum 2.0. Additionally, we’ve integrated Ganache into the developer process, delivering on feedback from the community as a priority request.

The Truebit-Hardhat-Ganache Alpha Test Explained


Truebit-Hardhat deploy enables you to continue using Truebit with zero sync up time by creating a fork Goerli or Mainnet in a local blockchain that you can use for development.

Doing this has several advantages:

  1. You don’t need to request test tokens on a faucet which can be challenging at times.
  2. You’ll get better error reporting from the local fork.
  3. Transactions are processed and finalized much faster.

The Alpha test uses Hardhat, a commonly utilized professional developer environment well known by the blockchain community. The deployment also supports Ganache fork, which is better for broadcasting solidity events.

The enhancements to the Truebit protocol provide:

  • a more reliable environment that promotes faster development processes,
  • greatly reduced time to first executed tasks,
  • a simplified environment that is compatible with Ethereum 2.0 and proof of stake, and utilization without requiring test tokens.

Request access to the Alpha test

To start, we’re releasing the Alpha test as an opt-in request only. All you need to do is email us at to request your access.

Upon request, we’ll get you set up in our Discord group. There you’ll receive access to documentation providing all the details on how to get started and any prerequisite software requirements. Additionally, our Community Manager is there to provide guidance, and you’ll be able to discuss use cases or seek any feedback amongst others utilizing the Alpha test.

Where do I go with questions?

We’ll be carefully monitoring and testing each new pull request from the community and are committed to ensuring a successful Alpha test and future widespread rollout of the Truebit-Hardhat-Ganache integration.

If you have any questions or need help troubleshooting, please email us directly at Alternatively, you can DM our Community Manager on Twitter or Gitter and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Enabling Quadrans early access to the Alpha Test. Here is their feedback!

In appreciation of our partnership with Quadrans Foundation, we asked three of their lead developers to preview the new Alpha. After providing them with the Getting Started Guide and a little guidance, we asked them for detailed feedback.

Here is what Jacopo Grecuccio, Fabio Fiori & Davide reported on their experience:

Jacopo Grecuccio, Quadrans Lead Developer said, “Everything went smoothly, I made use of the guide which I found very clear and detailed. This simplified environment made the use of Truebit infrastructure more usable and less tricky.”

Fabio Fiori, Quadrans Lead Developer said, “I had a lot of fun! I decided not to use the guide because it is known that this is often the developers’ preferred approach. I managed to complete the test without major difficulties, even though I found errors here and there I was able to solve them on my own. At the end of the test, I consulted the guide and I found it comprehensive.”

Davide Costa, co-founder of Quadrans Foundation said, “The experience with Truebit-Hardhat Ganache was great: forking ETH Mainnet or Goerli and using it with Ganache brought a huge speed up in the test and development processes for Truebit-OS ecosystem. I’d like to thank the entire Truebit team for this opportunity.”

Overall, Quadrans’ feedback was important in improving the user experience and enabling the community to access a more comprehensive Alpha test.

Onward ho!

We’re stoked to get the Alpha out into the wild and get your feedback on the enhancements in stability and speed of execution. We appreciate genuine feedback from the community and are listening and prioritizing enhancements on an ongoing basis.

Please reach out to request access to the Alpha test or message via or and our community manager will reply as soon as possible.

