Post-launch FAQ

Truebit Protocol
Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2021

Since long before the public release of our 2017 White Paper, we’ve been incubating Truebit. With the Ethereum mainnet deployment now in our midst, we invite the community to join a new phase of exploration, experimentation, and integration. It’s been a reassuring week for us. We thank our community for sharing their excitement about Truebit and welcome new users, development teams, researchers, and dreamers. We cherish your participation and gladly respond to queries through this post.

Many are wondering about how we launched to mainnet, our moderate participation in social media around our release, and why we took that approach. If you were not familiar with Truebit before, let us share our culture and the way we’ve operated since we started.

We are a quiet and disciplined team specifically committed to the development of technology. In what is hopefully a breath of fresh air in a space crowded with overhyping and intense marketing, we are laser-focused on building a strong community of developers, Task Givers, end users, and technology itself. At this time, we have invited a limited number of developers to experiment with our product. For this reason, our QuickStart guide is stored on a private repo — for now. As we work collaboratively with our early adopters, we plan to open up the platform more broadly.

For more details on Truebit and our ethos, check out “Beyond Speculation, Taking The Long Hard Path in Launching a Token with Jason Teutsch of Truebit”, a conversation between Truebit Founder Jason Teutsch and Outlier Ventures recorded on Feb 9, 2021.

  1. What is Truebit?
    Truebit is a blockchain enhancement that enables smart contracts to securely perform complex computations in standard programming languages at reduced gas costs. Truebit’s simple interface generates publicly verified certificates for data processes and function evaluations.
  2. What is Truebit’s official website?
  3. Where can I find example use cases, tools, and works-in-progress?
    Check out the new awesome-truebit repo! Here you can find a growing library of Truebit tasks, utilities, and ongoing projects. Find collaborators, out-of-the-box code, or just inspiration. Contributions via pull request are encouraged, regardless of the stage of your idea or development. Please include a link to your own repo. For those interested in cryptographic verification, consider pooling your Truebit tasks with other projects in order to save gas.
  4. What are Truebit’s official communication channels?
    You can find links to Truebit’s official social media on, including Gitter, Reddit, Medium, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. For access to Truebit’s developer-only Discord channel, please request access from an active Truebit OS user.
  5. Is the repo broken? Why do I see a 404 page when trying to access the QuickStart guide?
    The Truebit OS repo is invite-only. Please email us at with your intended or potential use case(s), and our team will follow up. For those who simply wish to confirm the repo’s existence, see the screenshot at the bottom of this post. As noted, for the time being, developers must have access permissions to the repo, otherwise, an error message will be displayed when accessing the repository.
  6. What is the token address?
    You can always ensure you are interacting with Truebit tokens by confirming the token’s contact address: 0xf65B5C5104c4faFD4b709d9D60a185eAE063276c
    Please do not send tokens to this contract address. Genuine Ethereum and Görli tokens can be purchased and account balances can be verified inside Truebit OS.
  7. How can I obtain Truebit tokens?
    Tokens can be purchased directly via Truebit OS. All sales transact in ETH. Please purchase commensurate with use.
  8. How do I use Truebit tokens?
    Task Givers use TRU to remunerate Solvers and Verifiers for performing computational tasks. The token mechanism is explained in full here.
  9. Are TRU tokens available on exchanges?
    Truebit does not support, promote, or endorse any exchanges. We are aware that certain third-party exchanges are choosing to support TRU tokens on their own. We take no position on any secondary sales outside of our control.
  10. I work for an exchange. Would you like a listing?
    We welcome your participation in the network. However, our organization does not engage in exchange listings.
  11. Was the mainnet launch an IICO?
    While Truebit’s token launch was not an IICO, we understand why some might have anticipated it to be one as mentions the availability of Truebit’s interactive coin offering (IICO) product. Buterin’s crowdsale dilemma roughly states that a token sale cannot simultaneously satisfy both certainty of valuation and certainty of participation. The IICO distribution method solves this problem by interactively establishing a uniform valuation satisfactory to all buyers. If you are interested in using the IICO method to distribute assets, we encourage you to get in touch!
  12. What’s the token name on Ethereum?
    The Truebit token smart contract on Ethereum is called TRU. That said, we have limited control over our ticker in certain third-party environments.
  13. When I want to buy TRU from the OS, how’s the price calculated?
    The Purchase contract determines price. Run `token price` in Truebit OS for current pricing. All available information on our token model can be found here.
  14. Are there arbitrage bots participating in Truebit OS? What about front-running bots and high-frequency trading?
    While we understand that the secondary market is important to the fabric of many Ethereum projects, our team is laser-focused on building the underlying technology and has no control over available trading tools.
  15. Could you add the token contract address to your initial Medium post?
    Yes! Done.
  16. How many TRU does it cost to issue a Truebit task?
    Task Owners can choose how much TRU incentive Task Submitters provide to Solvers and Verifiers. We recommend providing at least enough incentive to cover Solver and Verifier operating costs, including ETH gas fees. In contrast, Ethereum transactions have specific gas requirements, and senders only choose gas price.
  17. What are the hardware requirements?
    Truebit OS does not require specialized hardware. You can participate in the network from any machine running Docker.
  18. I’ve read the whitepaper and I’m super excited about this project! How do I get started building tasks?
    We appreciate your enthusiasm! Please email us at Tell us about your intended or potential use case(s), share your GitHub handle, and we’ll help you get started.
  19. Why was there a scam alert posted on Truebit’s website earlier this year?
    This was posted on earlier this year to alert our community that unaffiliated individuals were attempting to use our name and brand. Please be safe out there and only refer to our official sources.
  20. What’s the end-user license agreement for Truebit software (May 11, 2021)?
    To view Truebit’s end-user license agreement, please visit

