S7 Mystery Passenger — Creating a data flow for constant customer care

True Engineering
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2021

The Mystery Passenger service is created by True Engineering for S7, Russia’s largest private airline. It allows the collection and processing of feedback from passengers, exchanging discounts and bonus miles for important business information. At the time of its launch, it was the first solution of its kind on the Russian airline market.

S7 Airlines collects feedback from passengers from all possible sources. This includes information processed by the call center, questionnaires that passengers fill out after the flight, and feedback in social media. Mystery Passenger is an excellent addition to these sources, as it helps collect useful nuances in service from different points throughout the customer’s journey and promptly carry out measures to improve the passenger experience. The built-in reporting system allows users to quickly detect service violations and work them out with airline services. When necessary, user can quickly contact the author of the report to clarify the details.

The idea of this service is to involve the passenger in monitoring the service. People like the idea of being a mystery shopper and are interested in similar projects in other areas. And S7, for its part, can quickly receive passenger feedback and evaluations at every stage of the entire Customer Journey.

The key advantage of Mystery Passenger is that passengers leave feedback on service in real time and with maximum detail, attaching photos and videos. As a result, the company receives detailed information, and negative feedback from service in a particular area (for example, a broken armrest in the cabin) does not affect evaluations at other stages.

After the implementation of the project, the airline has improved the quality of feedback in areas where rare feedback was available before. For example, in the summer of 2021, S7 offered passengers a new service for transporting pets in the neighboring seat. It used to take up to a month to collect feedback on new services, after which the airline’s specialists made the first results about how much passengers liked it and what bottlenecks they themselves highlighted. Now there is a mystery passenger on almost every flight, who provides immediate feedback. As S7 employees themselves say, they have become better at understanding their customers.

In some cases, negative comments can be worked out the very next day after the receipt of the review. The passenger arrives, takes rest after the flight, and finds a letter in the mailbox from the airline with a solution to the reported situation.

Anyone can download the app from the App Store or Google Play and confirm their identity by name and reservation number. The passenger will then be able to assess the level of service at each stage of the trip: from arrival at the airport and check-in to saying goodbye to the crew at the exit from the plane.

The app tracks the travel process independently: when the booking starts, the passenger is offered to evaluate the work of the staff at the airport counters, and when boarding, questions about the service on board appear on the screen, and so on. The service supports different types of questions: open, closed Yes/No and questions with fixed choice of suggested answers. Passengers can attach photos and videos to their questionnaires.

As a reward, users receive bonuses in the form of S7 Priority miles or a promo code for a discount on tickets. As a result, the airline passengers feel personally involved in improving the service and receive financial incentive for this work.

On the S7 side, the solution is integrated with the airline’s internal analytics systems. Employees can view the entire flow of incoming reviews along with attached photos and videos, unload selections by configurable parameters, and transfer information for further claims handling. Thanks to end-to-end analysis tools, it is possible to fall from a general report on a flight to an individual report and vice versa, get all the information related to an individual photo, video file or review.

A typical work scenario: assess the overall picture for the reporting period, see the flights with low ratings, download and study the feedback, and generate claims to pass them on to the responsible employees.

Even in pandemic conditions, when the number of flights has drastically decreased, the Mystery Passenger remains a reliable source of data on service on its flights for the airline. Each month, S7 receives up to 10,000 completed reports through Mystery Passenger.

