Trueface Can Tell How Old You Are

Sam Yu
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019
The future. Trueface AgeBox quickly recognizing our engineer, Sam.

Remember a time when you were gearing up for the weekend at the grocery store but forgot your ID and the cash register attendant declined your purchase of frothy adult beverages because they couldn’t validate your age even though you were on the other side of 30?

The tedious process of the manual ID check for every customer in checkout queues combined with unnecessary procedure slows down the flow of business and adds friction to the checkout process. Customers are left annoyed and may retain negative perceptions of the brand.

Trueface AgeBox can eliminate the excessive burden put on cashiers and reduce friction at checkout by instantly determining customers’ age. By speeding up the checkout process, customers have a more positive experience, increasing the probability of their return. AgeBox is part of the Trueface industry-leading computer vision solution package, and because AgeBox is packaged in a Docker image, it can be deployed almost instantly. After requesting a token from Trueface, the entire backend can be run in just one command.

It’s embarrassingly easy to run AgeBox with this one command.

In addition to the AgeBox Docker image, we’ve created a web app to demonstrate how easy it is to get started with our age-recognition technology. One command and you’ll be able to quickly enable the power of Trueface AgeBox. Once installed, visit http://localhost:4000 to launch the web app and begin testing with friends, family, and coworkers.

The past.

Check out Trueface’s Github to learn more and try out Trueface AgeBox. It’s not just for developing, but also for fun. Show it off during your next house party. On Trueface’s GitHub, find the app in the visionbox_apps/age-predict-webapp folder.

Disclaimer: Trueface AgeBox and the web app do not collect any facial image or data from your local instance. The entire app runs offline (after the AgeBox Docker image is downloaded), and does not transmit any data back to Trueface.

