17 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Social Media For Marketing

Kiran Poudel
True Mark
Published in
8 min readApr 3, 2020

Social media sites like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. are awesome for small businesses to uplift their organization to another level. These platforms are best for getting audiences and to reach global users as well.

Making the world know about your organization is time-consuming and needs a lot of effort but social media platforms can be used as a booster for speeding this process. Social media sites are free, quick, and easy to understand and for sure it’s much more effective.

According to Clutch, small businesses use different social media platforms to promote their business. And, most of them prefer Facebook. But, it does not mean that other platforms are not good for marketing, every platform is equally important.

Hence, small businesses can grow their business by marketing their business on these platforms. The strategies are simple but need a little effort to get the best. So, let’s get started with the methods to use social media as a marketing tool.

Use an Infographic Image that Reflects Your Brand

Image on social media is one of the most important marketing strategies. As per the research, social media profiles with images have got 94% more visitors than a profile with no image. The use of images on social media helps to increase brand awareness locally as well as globally.

Most of the audiences tend to view a profile image of a business to understand what business is about. Using infographic images on social media will help to increase user engagement on your page and will bring in more users with similar interests and they will be curious to know about your organization.

Publish Quality Content on a Regular Basis

Quality contents are like magnets that pull more users. It is a powerful method to communicate and build strong relationships with users. So, posting quality content on a regular basis will keep users engaged on your site and help in ranking higher on the search engines.

Posting on a regular basis gives a reason to join your profile to use services. Also, the regular update will make the page active which will increase the performance of the page as well.

Every known search engine is always looking for fresh and quality content. Such contents help in ranking higher and attract more users to your website. Thus increasing your digital presence and organic traffic.

Small businesses are more focused on the sales and growth of an organization. They bring new ideas and opinions to engage audiences and interactions. The statistics above show that the majority of small businesses tend to update content on a monthly basis i.e 94%, 79% update weekly, 52% have been publishing on a daily basis, and 6% have been publishing less often than monthly.

Reply to Conversation

Conversation is a major part of growing business. Replying to conversation helps to build better relationships with users giving standard profile feedback and a good page insight.

Conversation helps to increase the response rate of a page.

Conversation provides an opportunity to learn about customers and improve the organization’s products and services as well. In the case of language barriers, you can use auto conversation reply tools to overcome language barriers and make the conversation more engaging.

Integrate Social Media Pages on Your Website

Integrating your social media pages to your website will help to gain more user engagement and provide more information about your products and services. The integration will make good audience engagement on both the webpage and social pages.

However, the main importance of integration helps in growing your organization and also reducing the bounce rate on a webpage.

Review Social Media Analytics on a Regular Basis.

Reviewing social media pages means to find what’s lacking on a page or what’s best. Analyzing the result on your social media account helps to create a similar engaging post and learn about the desires and needs of the audience.

Fill all the Profile Information

Social media platforms provide the feature to create a business page containing detailed information about the business and such information is really important for a business to grow. Information on the social page helps users to know about the business in detail and also know about the business products and services.

The information filled in social media pages helps to describe what your business is and what services you provide.

Use Unique Hashtag

In social media, the hashtag is popular to represent something related to the tag. Hashtag redirects to page of origination. They are special tags that start with a hash(#) sign. This can categorize messages in a place and also helps in filtering content of similar nature.

Hashtag also helps in reaching the target audiences of the same interest. It acts as a link, gathering the same type of content in one place, making users to find information quickly and easily.

Create Profiles on Multiple Platforms

Just marketing on one of the social media platforms is not enough to maximize your business value. To reach and boost marketing speed, social media profiles should be created on different platforms. For marketing, every platform is important as they generate new audiences.

Creating profiles on different social media platforms will boost up the marketing process thus generating more leads for your business.

Generate Leads

Generating leads is important for any organization to grow. Leads could be generated through various platforms and by different methods like ads, giveaways, and referral programs could be conducted to generate more leads.

Social media platforms help to know the behavior of users leading businesses to provide the products and services the users are looking for.

Brand Awareness

Many people on the market don’t know about the products and services that are provided by small businesses. Audiences are being pulled by products of big and popular businesses. There are lots of options to gain more sales by making awareness about what you provide.

Social Media Influencers can Help you too

While branding your organization or selling your product, it’s more complicated without sufficient audiences. Product and services remain stocked in warehouses until and unless good audiences are built. But, it’s not easy to build a good audience.

In this case, social media influencers may be a great choice to deliver your services and product information to audiences. These influencers will be working as a bridge to connect your audiences with your business to increase the sale and advertise your business.

Implementation of Automated Tools for Content Scheduling and Publishing

Most of the time people engage in other important work that will make them forget about updating the contents on social media platforms. This will make them lose their audience.

So, not to miss the opportunity to grab in more users, there are different content scheduling tools like Buffer, Postify to schedule your content. These tools will help you schedule your content and analyze how your audience is responding to your content.

Broadcast Live Video

Going live is great as this makes more difference in marketing. People tend to understand more about product and organization visually rather than oral description. Oral description of a product will simply generate an imaginary image on customers’ brain-like shape, color, size, etc. which will impact the sales ratio but broadcasting live videos will actually let them see the real products.

The live broadcast will increase user engagement that will help to gather feedback and improve the product.

Develop Trust with Users

Users will be loyal if they have trust in an organization and product. Your main focus should be to build trust with the users. If users don’t trust you, then it won’t be long before your business collapses.

Building trust with users means you are helping your business grow since building trust will help in improving your reputation in the market.

Add Call To Action Button

Call to action is an immediate response button designed to redirect customers to the desired page. CTA is designed to make users click on it, in common these buttons hold messages like “message us”, “call now”, “visit store”, etc. This will allow provoking an immediate response to users.

CTA button helps users to guide directly to a preferred link which will draw their attention. The CTA will also help to convert a user to a potential customer for using your products and services.

Organize Contests Giveaways Discounts

Social media is an awesome place to gather up an audience and build a community of people with similar interests. Organizing content and giveaways in social media will generate thousands of audiences in a matter of time like people won’t stop visiting your page. It’s like catching fish by betting on something.

Coupons and giveaways are an easy way to get audiences since this will drive tons of users to your page.

Ask for Feedback

Feedback from the customers is like a pillar that holds everything in place. Feedback helps in improving products. As a mission to grow business and increase sales, feedback is a great source of learning customer’s preferences and needs.

Customer feedback helps to know what features you are missing and which features to focus on. This will make your products and services better than ever.

So, using such methods, a small business can grow in a short time. These are basic ideas used by every small scale business to build an audience and increase sales. You can also follow the same methods to market your business.

If you have any suggestions, comment below and please share this article with your friends.

This post was originally posted on https://www.truemark.dev/blog/use-social-media-for-marketing/#



Kiran Poudel
True Mark

Just a simple guy who loves travelling. Content Writer @ Truemark Technology — https://truemark.com.np/ — — — My Personal Blog — kiranpdl.com.np