7 Shocking Stats About Where America Stands on Abortion

Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2019

Alabama has become the latest US state that restricts abortions. A bill has been passed that outlaws the procedure in almost all cases. Even the cases that involve rape or incest.

Men dominate Alabama’s 35-seat Senate, and none of the four female senators backed the ban. Eventually, Alabama’s Republican governor Kay Ivey signed the ban.

But this is not the end yet. Sixteen other states are seeking to impose new abortion bans. At the beginning of this year, the Supreme Court blocked the implementation of new abortion bans in Louisiana. However, the case is due for review later this year.

Of course, there were a whole lot of activists too. And the Democrats were trying to stop the controversial bill. However, this only heated everything in the Senate.

So, considering the severeness of the situation and how controversial things are getting, we decided to use the data gathered through TruePublic to show what people really think about abortion.

Have you or a partner ever had an abortion?

Most people (93%) answered “No” to this question.

Only 4% of Gen Z said they or a partner had had an abortion. Millennials and Baby Boomers answered that they or a partner had never had an abortion. And finally, most of Generation X (66%) said they or a partner had had an abortion.

Among different races, White and Hispanic said they or a partner had had an abortion (8% and 10% respectively). Black and Asian people said they or a partner had never had an abortion.

Under what circumstances should abortion be supported most?

Mother’s life is in danger 56%

Mother is an adolescent 8%

Mother is a rape victim 32%

The baby has a disease 4%

Abortion should be a basic woman’s right.

Strongly agree 40%

Agree 13%

Neutral 8%

Disagree 15%

Strongly disagree 24%

Most females strongly agree with this statement (56%), while most males strongly disagree with it (28%).

Most Gen Z and Millennials strongly agree with the statement, while most Gen Xers and Baby Boomers strongly disagree.

Also, most of the Democrats strongly agree (97%) with this statement, while most Republicans disagree (35%) with it.

Abortions should be legal for rape victims.

As said above, abortions are not legal for rape victims in Alabama. However, based on TruePublic answers, most people believe that abortions should be legal.

Strongly agree 64%

Agree 15%

Neutral 8%

Disagree 6%

Strongly disagree 7%

Besides, 30% of the respondents strongly agree, and 29% agree with the statement that abortion should be the mother’s choice only.

However, there is a difference in views between female and male respondents. Most females agree with the statement, while only half of the males seem to disagree with the statement.

Most Democrats and Independents agree with the statement while most Republicans remain neutral.

Abortion should be legal.

Strongly agree 49%

Agree 20%

Neutral 9%

Disagree 7%

Strongly disagree 15%

This one is self-explanatory: most people believe that abortion should be legal.

Additionally, 56% of the respondents said they believe abortion is not murder.

Most female respondents (60%) believe that it’s not murder, while most male respondents (57%) think it is.

What are your views on abortion?

Should always be allowed 37%

Should sometimes be ok 36%

Should never be allowed 21%

Most female respondents (46%) think that abortion should always be allowed, while most males only think that abortion should sometimes be okay.

Most Democrats (66%) believe that abortion should always be allowed, while most Republicans (46%) think that it should never be allowed.

There is some correlation between the answers of male respondents and those of the Republican respondents. What’s your opinion about abortions in general?

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