How does America Feel About the LGBTQ Community

Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2019

Are you at ease with who you are? Do you think society perceives you the way you would like it to?

While there has been huge progress regarding the awareness about the LGBT (LGBTI or LGBTQ) rights in the United States, there still are people who perceive the LGBTQ community differently and with a degree of negativity too.

We have used TruePublic mobile app data to show how Americans feel about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or intersex people. So here we go:

LGBTQ community

Do you have a close friend who is LGBT? 60% of the respondents said that they do. Note that there were more female respondents (66%) who answered positively to this question than male (45%). Also, most Millennials (59%) and Generation Z (61%) people said they have LGBT friends unlike Baby Boomers and Gen X.

Most of the respondents said they are comfortable (34%) or very comfortable (34%) with people who identify as LGBT. Here again, the female respondents seem to be more comfortable with the LGBT Community than men are.


Does asexual equal to LGBT?

There was a lot of debate regarding the question of whether asexuals should be considered LGBT or not. The thing is that some people consider asexuals as being “not straight.” But does that also make them gay or lesbian? Well, 56% of the respondents said that being asexual does not mean being gay.

Do you think people are born LGBT or develop that way in early childhood? 57% think people develop that way in early childhood.

Supporting the LGBT community

When asked to choose if they support the LGBT community on a scale from 1 to 4, 61% said that they do (option 4). Interestingly enough, females seem to support LGBT community more than males do. In addition, the Democrats seem to be supporting the LGBT community more than the people of other political leanings.

Adoption rights

Adoption is another heated topic that touches upon LGBTQ rights. However, 86% of the respondents think that LGBT community should have the same adoption rights as straight people. There is a huge difference of opinions between male and female respondents though: 27% of male respondents voted “No” while only 8% of females opted for it. Baby Boomers seem pretty conservative in this matter. They were the only generation that had most “No” votes (46%).

Summing up

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that people still face homophobia and hate speech just because they identify themselves as LGBTQ. Hopefully, these stats will help understand how Americans really perceive the LGBTQ community, their lifestyle, and habits. Were these numbers eye-openers for you too? Share your views in the comments or vote on these questions anonymously on TruePublic.

Sample size: 800–5,000 respondents

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Originally published at on March 13, 2019.




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