Men vs Women: Who are better drivers?

Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2017


America votes for the better drivers

“The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status, or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we all believe that we are above-average drivers.”

Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns Fifty

In February of 2016, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety made some buzz when it released a report on gender-specific traffic deaths in America. Along with a number of interesting findings, this report singled out a list of characteristics peculiar to male and female drivers. took a deep dive into the results and reported that “Males tend to partake in risky driving behaviors more often than women, with automotive racing, off-road adventures, and a bigger penchant for freeway tomfoolery all serving as examples” Men are more likely to skip wearing their seat belts, to speed and to drive under the influence. Further investigation reveals that a the majority of women involved in accidents were simply distracted, especially when it comes to texting. With frequent mistakes behind the wheel, they are most responsible for things like “rashed wheels, broken bumpers, crunched tail lights, and swiped side view mirrors are common female incidents in traffic reports.”

And this study, as many others, is aimed at answering one question: Are men or women better drivers?

The Internet community and the issue of driving

The Internet community has a lot to say about the issue of driving, and there’s certainly a wide array of opinions.

“There is no good or bad. Men are different from women. This shows up in many daily interactions and driving is one of them”.

“Maybe there are really good women drivers, but I have only ridden with one or two in my life; the rest have been lucky to survive”.

“If anything, I think that men are worse drivers. This is reflected in the fact that insurance is more expensive for young males who are first on the road as compared to women. This is because they are more likely to be in an accident”.

TruePublic lets you decide!

We asked our users on the anonymous opinion app TruePublic to choose which gender are better drivers. The question reads:

Which sex is generally the better drivers?

  • Men
  • Women

According to our data taken from a poll of 1077 mobile online users across America, 56% of voters hold the opinion that men are better drivers than women.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the demographics of this voting and see statistics based on gender, age, region, race and political leaning.

There is a major difference in opinions depending on gender. While the majority of women (58%) thought women are better drivers, only 13% of men shared this opinion. The majority (87%%) hold the opinion that men are better drivers.

The opinions differ based on the region. It turns out that voters from all 5 regions included in this poll slightly favor male drivers over female drivers:

The age group of the voters also plays a major role in the way they approach this topic. While Millenials and Gen-X are more inclined to think that men are better drivers (55% and a striking 84%, respectively), the majority of Boomers thinks that women are better behind the wheel.

When it comes to how different races voted, Blacks are the only race that favored female drivers (61%). The majority of Whites, Hispanics and Asians give the preference to male drivers.

The political leaning of respondents is an interesting factor:

52% of Democrats picked women over men as better drivers. For Independents, there is a slight prevalence of voters who think men are better drivers (53%). Compared to these stats, 68% of Republicans think men are better drivers.

What’s your take on the issue? Do you think men or women are better drivers?

Join the conversation right now with TruePublic. Share your opinions with total honesty and instantly compare with the rest of America. And please, drive safely!

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