The Three Pillars of TruePublic

Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2019


This particular question is so innately human.

In his book “Why? What Makes Us Curious,” astrophysicist Mario Livio explores the idea of human curiosity.

He says that other animals are curious, but only humans are curious about reasons and causes for things.

Only humans really ask the question, “Why?”

In fact, different studies show that, of course, some people are more curious than others. And as an exception, only people who are deeply depressed or have some kind of brain damage might not be that curious.

Does this mean curiosity is in our bones?

Yes, it does.


So, what do we do to satisfy our curiosity? Do we read magazines and tabloids for celebrity news? Well, yes, we do! Do we follow Trump on Twitter to see what this guy did this time? A lot of us do that. Do we discuss stuff over a glass of beer on a Friday night with friends? Yup, that’s us.

But the thing is that a lot of the time, our curious self does not get answers to that heated question or the answer we get seems biased or fake.

Fake news can generate fake opinions. In addition, our public profiles might not allow us to express ourselves in the most honest way possible. And that’s what the reality bears. Social media seems to be helping people to connect, but it also puts limitations on our self-expression a lot of the time.

So what if we had the chance to get honest answers to the most controversial (or generic) questions out there? What if we knew what exactly people are thinking about a topic, an issue, an event, a person?

Yes, that would have made things easier for us all.

With this in mind, we came up with the idea of TruePublic — a place for honest opinions about anything!

TruePublic relies on these three pillars:

  1. Curiosity — Find answers about any topic you care about.
  2. Giving and getting back insights — You give TruePublic ONE opinion, you get thousands of opinions instantly.
  3. Anonymity — Stay anonymous. We simply don’t need to know who you are. We just need to know your opinion. TruePublic is the safest place to express yourself without being bullied or harassed.

TruePublic allows people to find answers to the most intriguing and exciting “Why” questions.

On the other hand, we run on a simple idea: “Tell us what you think about a subject, and we will give you back what millions of other people think about that.”

This way, you are getting the chance to understand how the rest of the world perceives the reality around us, and what your friends, university peers, or coworkers think about the issues that you care for.

It’s like having a one on one conversation with a million other people, and most importantly, you can be sure to get the most honest answers possible.


While it might sound crazy, TruePublic doesn’t collect any kind of personal information.

We don’t need your name, or your phone number or email address or anything that would help reveal your identity.

TruePublic only cares about honest OPINIONS.

Every time you answer a question on TruePublic, you get the chance to see what million other people answered. Auto-generated infographics help you get a better idea of how men and women view one and the same issue, whether the opinions of Millennials and Baby Boomers differ hugely or how you compare to all of that.

Sounds intriguing, right?

We believe that due the anonymity it provides, TruePublic has got the full potential to become the largest platform for honest opinions. And the data that gets aggregated at TruePublic could help universities, companies, and government organizations alike to grow better by encouraging democracy, freedom of speech, open data, and anti-bullying.

We all have the chance to make an impact. Make your opinion count!

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A place for honest opinions. Discover what people think based on their location, gender, age, race, and political leaning. Available now on iOS and Android.