Acne Free

Belousova Model
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2021

Acne affects millions of people all over the world, many of whom dream of one day living acne free. It is no wonder why: this skin condition can wreak havoc on your once beautiful skin, leaving behind blemishes and scars. Many people are robbed of their once excellent quality of life because of the changes in their personal appearance caused by acne. In severe cases, acne can lead to depression, loss of self-esteem, and other social crippling problems.

If you are ready to live acne free, what changes do you need to make? Is living without acne even a reasonable goal? What common causes of skin blemishes can you avoid in order to improve your appearance and quality of life?

Photo by Kalos Skincare on Unsplash

What Causes Your Acne?

Ask yourself this important question. Knowing the answer is the first step in properly treating your condition. The fact is that no two people have identical skin problems, acne is triggered by all kinds of different things. Some of the most common causes of pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and other blemishes include:
1. Overproduction of oil.
2. Bacteria growth.
3. Hormonal changes.
4. Diet.

Is it possible that one of these is behind your acne problems? What can you do about it?

Keep Your Skin Clean

This is by far the most critical factor in preventing acne and maintaining clear skin. You need a good daily regimen of clearing the dead skin, oil, and bacteria off your face. How can you do that?
1. Wash your face daily. This may seem like a given, but it is so important that it is worth mentioning. There are lots of different types of acne soaps on the market, so try out several to find which gives you the best results. Remember that a mild soap is best since harsh chemicals could aggravate your skin problems. For most people, one good daily wash is enough to prevent acne.
2. Use a cleansing cream to eliminate bacteria. One of the leading causes of blemishes is the growth of bacteria within clogged pores. You can kill bacteria by using a cleansing cream that contains benzyl peroxide or similar substances.

These two daily cleansing efforts will go a long way to helping you rid your face of acne.

Review Your Diet

Many people have found that some of the foods they eat contribute to their acne breakouts. You can check this for yourself by keeping a food journal. Write down everything you eat during the day for a week. When you notice a breakout, check what you ate that day. Did you have dairy? Was there a lot of sugar in your diet? This will help you isolate foods that you can try cutting out of your diet to see if it improves your skin condition.

Severe Cases of Acne

Some people suffer from especially severe cases of acne that they simply cannot treat on their own. If you have made an effort to prevent acne but are still experiencing regular breakouts, you should visit a dermatologist. They can prescribe additional treatments and medications that will help you get on the road to acne free living.

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Belousova Model

Tech lead with 10yrs+ in design and software development, apps and fashion.