10 Tips to Ensure Safety Abroad

Adam Hollmann
Trulaske Study Abroad
4 min readApr 11, 2019

Traveling to a foreign country as part of a study abroad experience can be one of the most important times in a young student’s life. As you’re abroad, you will truly see how big the world is. You’ll be challenged as you try to navigate a new environment that may have a different language, cultural customs, and many other various differentiations. Despite this being an overwhelmingly exciting time period in your life, you will still have to consider the many necessary safety precautions that all travelers should practice while abroad. You can’t have an amazing trip if something terrible happens.

Photo by Steven Lewis on Unsplash

Here are my top 10 picks for best safety hacks travelers should implement in their daily routine abroad:

10. Avoid Wearing Jewelry, Designer Clothing, etc.

As a tourist, it is important to not call too much attention to yourself. Wearing expensive clothing or jewelry can separate you from the general public and make you a target for thieves. I understand you might want to flex and live your best life, but safety is the number one priority here.

9. Avoid Dark and/or Non-Tourist Areas

This is typically a good idea regardless of whether you are abroad or domestic. However, places that are geared for tourists are typically safer and will normally include several resources for tourists who may need assistance.

8. Study Public Transportation System Beforehand

I don’t know about you, but I think public transportation can be overwhelming and confusing. As a tourist in a foreign country that may have a different language, this can further enhance your confusion. Before using the public transportation system that a city may offer, it is highly recommended that you study the routes and map out your travel. This will make the traveling process less stressful and will ensure you don’t get lost.

7. Update Friends and Family Constantly

If you are traveling alone or in a small group, it is a good idea to make a footprint of where you are going in case you get lost or something else bad happens. One way to do this is to text family and friends updating them on your location so they can always alert officials in case something happens. Plus, they will most likely want to see what’s going on with you!

6. Diversify How You Carry Money

One of the worst things that can happen to a tourist is to run out of money. Whether you spend it all or lose it, it sucks. To avoid losing your money, I recommend carrying money in many different forms and in different locations. Carry some cash, a debit card, a credit card, and even virtual bank features. As long as you aren’t solely dependent on one form of money, you will be fine.

5. Check Your Insurance/Get Travel Insurance

Some insurance plans will cover you as you travel abroad while others will not. If you check with your insurance and you are covered, have at it! However, if you’re not covered, get some travel insurance to protect yourself abroad in case something happens. I personally recommend signing up for S.T.E.P. (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program). Please protect yourself and your assets as you enter a foreign and unpredictable place.

4. Don’t Get Too Drunk

Everyone wants to have fun and party while on vacation, but you need to be more responsible than normal abroad. All countries have different laws than the United States, and many are stricter. Do your research beforehand on the country’s laws and regulations regarding alcohol consumption and behavior while intoxicated. Also, many drinks in different countries will have a different alcohol composition. For example, some beers may have twice as much alcohol as American beers and vodka sodas can be up to three or four times stronger. Drink even more responsibly than you are already accustomed to.

3. Do Your Research Before Arriving

To fully enjoy your experience abroad and to avoid getting lost and/or confused, do your research prior to arriving at your destination. Make sure you are adequately prepared on what to do in certain situations, know where your embassy is, study the public transportation system, freshen up on the language, familiarize yourself with the cuisine and culture, and know where you are going to be staying at.

2. Pay for an International Data Plan

As more and more of our daily lives and functions revolve around our phones, it is a smart idea to extend your data plan internationally so that you can maintain the same functions abroad. This will be important to utilize the GPS, translators, and stay in contact with friends, family, and others in the country you are in- such as the police.

1. Try to Avoid Traveling Alone, Especially at Night

In a foreign country, there may be predators looking for easy tourist targets for theft, murder, or other horrible actions. To best protect yourself, avoid traveling at night- especially at night. You don’t want to end up missing where no one has an idea of where you are. Traveling groups is always a safe idea, plus it’s more fun.

Thank you for reading my tips for safety while abroad! If you are interested in more information on the topic, please visit the article here. Although this article may have scared you about how dangerous the world can be, it is intended to motivate you to implement safer tourist practices in your travels, not to deter you from traveling and exploring this great planet we live on.

Therefore, go explore and have fun, while being safe of course!

