The Real Life Benefits of Studying Abroad in College

Adam Hollmann
Trulaske Study Abroad
2 min readApr 11, 2019

While traveling abroad comes with its highs and lows, one guaranteed aspect is the boost studying abroad has on your resume! Studying abroad gives you a global mindset in which your view of the world is expanded and shifted. This newfound insight and understanding of other cultures, as well as your intuition with yourself, advances you along the application process. It is known that less than 10% of college students embark on study abroad programs. According to statistics gathered from NAFSA, only around 1.6 percent of American college students actually study abroad during their time in college. Imagine being part of 1.6 percent of an entire group! That statistic alone sets you apart, emphasizes and enhances your stance as a globally educated citizen.

Photo by Andrea Natali on Unsplash

There are endless ways to market your study abroad experience to employers. Naturally, including details describing not only your experience but the benefits gained on your resume and cover letters should be done. However, something to keep top of mind throughout your travels is possibly conducting a self-made video or digital project culminating your travels and showing a unique and creative side of yourself. This is a great portfolio piece that you can show potential employers that may (definitely will) make you stand out from other candidates.

The skill set you attain abroad is incomprehensible to any other experience. You learn time and expense management, interpersonal communication skills amongst language and cultural barriers as well as gain an understanding and appreciation for the world around you. Additionally, you have the opportunity to make friends and form connections across the globe which may come in handy later as you are advancing throughout your job search. All these items culminate towards who you are as an applicant and make your boring black and white resume vibrant in the eyes of potential employers.

Regardless of the career-advancing aspects, study abroad provides to participants, the magnitude of other benefits such as internal satisfaction and personal growth is like no other and something everyone should aspire to experience.

Get global and study abroad with TCoB!

