Solve for Data Loss with Truly’s Salesforce Integration

Sam Selldorff
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018
Truly’s SFDC integration solves data loss by fitting into every point of the rep workflow with the least amount of friction so there is no way a phone call can go untracked.

Do you trust your Salesforce data?

This shouldn’t be a question you have to ask yourself, but unfortunately years of manual data entry combined with incredible business growth has left your sales ops team with outdated information, duplicate contacts, and noisy data that makes your CRM completely unusable.

Automated data input may seem like the holy grail because it eliminates tedious manual work and standardizes data inputs. However, weak Salesforce integration means call activity data is usually logged improperly to Salesforce, or not logged to Salesforce at all.

Truly’s Salesforce integration solves for data loss completely. By linking a person’s work phone number to their Salesforce account from every device, Truly automatically tracks all call activity and syncs it to Salesforce. Truly has the industry’s most robust Salesforce integration with up to 30 metadata points captured on each phone call activity.

Wondering what each phone call was about? With customizable “call wrap up” fields, you can ensure data entry compliance from every single rep in your company after every single call, across any device they use to place or receive a call.

Smart Salesforce contact matching avoids duplication and makes accurate call logging to any lead, contact, opportunity, or account dummy-proof. Truly removes any friction that would make your reps less productive while ensuring data entry is complete and clean.

Finally, Truly makes data analysis easy with fields that integrate seamlessly into existing reports and dashboards. Truly creates call data that is usable in any business intelligence tool so your sales operations team can build meaningful reports with the right data.

Reps get the power of their full Salesforce contact book on all their devices and simple data entry. Leaders get call activity data you know is right.

Plus the burden is light on IT. Check out our G2 Crowd reviews to see for yourself how much IT teams love working with Truly.

Ready to book a demo? Click here.

