An Open Letter to My Unborn Son: I Am Fighting for Your Generation

Truman Project
Truman Doctrine Blog
4 min readFeb 27, 2017

My Son,

An interesting time in our nation’s history awaits — a time where the American values we hold dearly seem less certain. Our public discourse is increasingly contentious. Our leaders, including our president, brush aside moral decency and speak out aggressively against our system of government. Fear and falsehoods are peddled alongside sound science and researched facts. Through it all, the world watches and waits. Despite these uncertain times, I believe there is still hope. We have a moral obligation to unmask the fear, overcome the uncertainty, and shape the world in the image we want to see for the next generation. I have a moral obligation to shape the world in the image I want to see — through you. Thus, I make these commitments.

As a nation, we turn our backs on our non-American brothers and sisters in need because their beliefs are different than our own. Refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants are portrayed as potential terrorist threats. I refuse to cave to the fear and focus inward to avoid witnessing the suffering of others outside our borders. I will ensure that you know every life has value, not based on American heritage and the privileges afforded thereof, but value based on a person’s mere existence as a human being with the right to live and breathe on this planet. I will teach you to show compassion for people and their circumstances.

The world is watching the evolution of our values, and so are our fellow Americans. As we alienate our allies with xenophobic, racist, and anti-Semitic rhetoric, we also alienate our own citizens. It is impossible to deny that America’s beauty is derived from our diverse, multi-cultural, and multi-national society. That beauty is diminished with the utterance of every bigoted remark that goes unchallenged. I will encourage you to explore the diversity in culture and in thought that our country has to offer. Take the opportunity to meet and engage with people from all walks of life, especially those who have different experiences, beliefs, or worldview than your own. I hope you walk away from those encounters feeling energized and with a greater appreciation for the interwoven values that create American culture. I am under no illusion that all of your interactions will be positive. You will hear discriminatory remarks, and I hope you have the courage to speak out when others fail to do the same.

You will hear unflattering remarks used toward you. New light shines on obstacles your grandparents thought they overcame during the Civil Rights Movement. A renewed racial tension lingers in the air. For many black men, voting is less guaranteed than serving time. Your African-American ancestry runs deep. While you may be tempted to shy away from your roots, I implore you to hold your head high as a proud black man. I will not ignore the color of your skin or let it dictate the opportunities you have ahead of you. Nor should you. But we also cannot deny there are black men who do not and will not have the same opportunities, and we must commit to change that.

This is the nation and world I commit to work toward for you. One where we show compassion for others, embrace our diversity, and aren’t afraid of people of color. This is the nation and world I expect you to inherit and uphold. But please know this is not our fight alone. It takes a village to raise a child and restore a nation. We will keep our promise in the hope of seeing our country move forward and watching you help fulfill your generation’s dreams. You represent hope, that we can make right our previous mistakes and leave this world in your generation’s capable hands.

All My Love,


Kristen Kavanaugh is a member of Truman National Security Project’s Defense Council. Views expressed are her own.



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