Week 7, Wednesday

Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2017


Congressional Republicans have introduced a series of bills that are worrisome and worthy of attention, even at this early stage. While some of these bills are unlikely to move forward in any serious way, it’s important to have a look at them. HR 610, for example, also known as the “Choices in Education Act of 2017,” would change how federal tax dollars are distributed to qualified states for education spending, mandating that all such monies be awarded in block grants, a portion of which must go into voucher programs for use by parents to pay for private and home schools. The bill was introduced by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), with three Republican cosponsors. In addition to HR 610, there’s HR 354, introduced by Rep. Diane Black (R-Tennessee). This is the “Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2017,” which would prohibit distribution of federal funds to Planned Parenthood Federation of America or any of its affiliates or clinics for a period of one year, unless they certify that no funds will go toward providing abortions (except in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening conditions). H.R. 354 has 133 cosponsors (all Republicans), even though the use of federal funds for abortion services is already prohibited by law. TrumpWatch will keep an eye on these bills, as well as others already introduced or soon to be introduced, and will notify you if any of them seem to be moving forward.

Scott Pruitt, who now heads the EPA, is slowly filling its top positions with climate change deniers like himself. The New York Times reports, “Mr. Pruitt has drawn heavily from the staff of his friend and fellow Oklahoma Republican, Senator James Inhofe, long known as Congress’s most prominent skeptic of climate science. A former Inhofe chief of staff, Ryan Jackson, will be Mr. Pruitt’s chief of staff. Another former Inhofe staff member, Byron Brown, will serve as Mr. Jackson’s deputy. Andrew Wheeler, a fossil fuel lobbyist and a former Inhofe chief of staff, is a finalist to be Mr. Pruitt’s deputy, although he requires confirmation to the position by the Senate.”

The Chinese government has granted the Trump organization preliminary approval for 34 Trump-related trademarks in businesses ranging from mining and construction to restaurants, hotels and golf courses. The many Trump-related trademarks were registered years ago, but approvals from the Chinese government only started happening after Trump was elected, raising questions about violations of the Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution.

All 100 senators signed a letter calling on the Trump administration to take decisive action to address the bomb threats and vandalism that has hit the American Jewish community in wave after wave this year. The letter was addressed to the attorney general, Jeff Sessions; the secretary of homeland security, John Kelly; and the director of the FBI, James Comey.




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