Credit: Sue Kellerman, Creative Commons.

What are your ideas for restoring trust?

We want to hear from you

Nancy Watzman
1 min readMar 21, 2018


The Knight Commission on Trust, Media and Democracy is meeting throughout 2018 to develop recommendations on how we can improve our democracy. The purpose of this site is to share information on the issues the Commission is thinking about, as well as to collect public comments.

Please share your thoughts by posting comments. Here’s how:

  • If you don’t already have one, create an account on Medium.
  • Write a response below this post, or another you are reading. NOTE: these comments will appear as stories on your profile. Feel free to include links, pictures, etc.
  • Responses are moderated. Feel free to disagree, but please be civil and constructive. We’ll take a look at all of them and delete any abusive comments.
  • Another way to show what you consider important is by using the highlight feature. Hover over some text, highlight it, and other readers in your network who visit that story will see what you highlighted.
  • You can also “clap” for a story, which we always appreciate!

Any questions? Email



Nancy Watzman

Nancy Watzman is director of Lynx LLC, She is former director, Colorado Media Project; outreach editor, Knight Comm on Trust, Media & Democracy.