5 Free Sketch Plugins You’ll Use Everyday

Time saving Sketch plugins you should install right now!

Briana Lauren
Trust the Product
4 min readApr 28, 2017


Sketch is a great design tool. One of the main reasons that I made the switch from Adobe to Sketch was the community, especially the plugins community. I’ve tried countless plugins and some have changed my workflow. Today I want to share five plugins I use everyday; plugins that save me a minimum of three hours a week.

1. Zeplin

I used to spend hours on spec docs, annotations and cutting assets; Zeplin changed all that. Handoff from design to developer has never been so easy. Instead of using multiple applications to deliver spec docs, flows and assets, I can do that all in Zeplin. Download


  • Export directly from your Sketch artboards.
  • Assets, colors, fonts and spacing all in one place.
  • Built-in CSS color pallet and font book style guide.
  • Shareable screens for web & app.
  • Versions — comment and track any updates.

2. Zeroheight

Sharing components has never been so seamless. Zeroheight allows designers to share styles, colors and fonts all within Sketch. Zeroheight’s flexibility with adding content and the amount of control you have over sharing content makes this plugin stand out. Download


  • Sync & update components, symbols, colors and text style across your team in real-time.
  • Search—allows you to quickly find elements.
  • Organization—you can organize elements into folders on the web or in Sketch.

3. Icon Font

Before using Icon Font I would copy a Sketch icon library (e.g. Font Awesome or Material). When I needed an icon I would have to look through hundreds of icons to find one, copy and paste it into the desired design, and account for the font spacing by adding a bounding box. Now I can just search for an icon using Icon Font and it will automatically insert the icon in font form. Created by Kerem Sevencan Download

Source: Icon Font github page


  • Font bundle—material, FontAwesome, simple-line-icons and Ionicons.
  • Add custom icon fonts.
  • Convert to outline — simple way to make icons symbols with different states.

4. Craft

An awesome InVision Labs plugin that makes designing and prototyping so much faster. Craft has easily replaced three different plugins I used to use. This plugin enables me to quickly create content, collaborate, send screens to InVision and stay consistent. Download


  • Sync — one click export to InVision.
  • Duplicate—clone elements in with different content instantly.
  • Library — create a style guide based on your designs with one click
  • Data—bring real data/custom content saved into sketch.
  • Freehand—collaborate with teammates in sketch.

5. Auto-Layout

Flexbox for Sketch. Designing for multiple screen sizes sucks. With Auto-Layout you can see your design on multiple screen sizes in one click. Similar to Flexbox, Auto-Layout allows you to set perimeters on different elements so they act predictably. This predictability can be very powerful when it comes to rearranging, resizing or removing elements in a group. Download

Source: Auto-layout homepage


  • Overviews—allows you to view your designs on all device sizes.
  • Stacks — change order, alignment while keeping set margins.
  • Dynamic content — buttons & text.

Well there you have it, five plugins that I use everyday. Got your own must-have plugins? Comment or message me on Twitter.



Briana Lauren
Trust the Product

For nearly a decade, I’ve lead design teams in crossing the chasm from startup to acquisition. Now, I lead a design team @Meta.