Attestations of TrueCurrency Funds — Examined March 31, 2020

TrueCurrencies: 3rd Party Verified, Fully Collateralized Stablecoins

4 min readMay 1, 2020


Cohen & Company has published their latest independent attestation of the bank accounts holding the collateral for all TrueCurrency (TUSD, TGBP, TCAD, TAUD, and THKD) tokens in circulation.

View the full TrueUSD attestation from March 31, 2020

TrueUSD accounts were examined on March 31, 2020 and contained the following balances:

Balance of Escrow Accounts: $138,888,840

Balance of TUSD tokens issued and in circulation: TUSD 137,466,412

View the full attestation from March 31, 2020

TrueGBP accounts were examined on March 31, 2020 and contained the following balances:

Balance of Escrow Accounts: £ 1,357,726

Balance of TGBP tokens issued and in circulation: TGBP 1,346,726

View the full attestation from March 31, 2020

TrueCAD accounts were examined on March 31, 2020 and contained the following balances:

Balance of Escrow Accounts: CAD $198,827

Balance of TCAD tokens issued and in circulation: TCAD 198,827

View the full attestation from March 31, 2020

TrueAUD accounts were examined on March 31, 2020 and contained the following balances:

Balance of Escrow Accounts: AUD $1,578,725

Balance of TAUD tokens issued and in circulation: TAUD 1,577,721

View the full TrueHKD attestation from March 31, 2020

TrueHKD accounts were examined on March 31, 2020 and contained the following balances:

Balance of Escrow Accounts: HKD $802,948

Balance of THKD tokens issued and in circulation: THKD 791,924

Note: As part of TrustToken’s commitment to compliance, we want to make clear the nature of our relationship with Cohen & Company, an independent third-party U.S. certified public accounting (CPA) firm. As a regulated entity, Cohen & Company provides third-party examinations of the collateralized funds held in escrow to back all TrueCurrency in circulation. Cohen & Company is not the parent company of, nor has any financial interest in, TrustToken, Inc. or any of its affiliates. The results of Cohen & Company’s examinations are published in monthly attestation reports.

Thanks to Cohen & Co for their diligence in performing this attestation.

Each day, more funds arrive from our users who have applied on the TrueCurrency website. As of March 31, 2020 — Cohen & Co will no longer continue to perform independent attestations of the TrueCurrency funds.

On December 7, 2019, Armanino LLP launched TrustExplorer, the world’s first-ever stablecoin assurance platform. TrustExplorer is a blockchain-enabled assurance technology that provides a key layer of trust and transparency to multiple digital asset ecosystems. All TrueCurrencies are now receiving near-real-time attestations from Armanino LLP within the TrustExplorer and all future attestations can be found there.

TrueCurrencies are the first asset-backed tokens created on the TrustToken platform. We set out to build fully collateralized fiat-backed stablecoins that the community would use and trust. These attestations with Cohen & Company and the revolutionary TrustExplorer with Armanino LLP are further steps towards that goal.

If you’re excited about TrustToken’s TrueCurrency products and believe you could make outsized contributions to the key areas of responsibility at our growing company, please view our open positions.

List of All Attestations

You can view all the attestations that have been published since the launch of each TrueCurrency here.

Visit our app to purchase TrueCurrencies today, or learn more about TrueCurrencies on our website.




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