TrueUSD Smart Contract Upgrade Note

Published in
1 min readJan 10, 2019

Dear TrueUSD community, we would like to make sure that all questions from the recent TUSD smart contract upgrade are clearly answered. Here are some important clarifying points from our engineering department.

  1. The TUSD smart contract was upgraded on Jan 3rd to include several new features for traders, exchanges, and developers
  2. The new smart contract address is 0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376
  3. All TUSD has been automatically moved over and you do not need to do anything to upgrade your TUSD
  4. If you are a TUSD trader or holder, there is nothing you need to do. Going forward, use the new smart contract address for transferring your TUSD and checking your balance
  5. If you run an exchange or app, please update your code to the new smart contract address if you haven’t already done so
  6. We do not expect to have to change the address again going forward

Special note for if you run a decentralized exchange or dapp: we understand that you might not be able to update to the new address and we anticipated this. The old address continues to work, it just forwards all calls such as transfer() to the new address.




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