Third Independent Attestation of TrueUSD Funds Published by Cohen & Company

Published in
1 min readMar 17, 2018

Cohen & Company has published their third independent attestation of the bank accounts holding the collateral for TrueUSD.

See the March 15 attestation here.

The TrueUSD funds were examined on March 15, 2018 and contained a balance of $6,579,550.

Thanks to Cohen & Co for their strong initiative in performing another attestation.

Each day, more funds arrive from our early alpha users who have applied on the TrueUSD website. Cohen & Co will continue to perform independent attestations of the TrueUSD funds.

TrueUSD is the first asset-backed token created on the TrustToken platform. We set out to build a USD-backed stablecoin that the community would use and trust. This third attestation with Cohen & Company is one of many steps towards that goal.

If you’re excited about TrueUSD and believe you could make outsized contributions to the key areas of responsibility in our growing company, please reach out about joining our team.

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